When life throws you a bag of lemons (or a truckload) what do you do? You make lemonade!
It's a good thing Dave LOVES lemons, and well, the kids and I are pretty good at whipping up a batch of sweet lemonade to share around. That is... find the good in any situation and run with it! I think it's life's way of making you appreciate the simpler things and to get creative and resourceful for survival.
It's hard to believe it's already been a couple of weeks since the 4th of July festivities, and the summer is flying by whether we're ready or not. Did I mention Chase is full on walking now? Attempting to run, but still toddling more than anything.. He is so proud of himself, and is enjoying the new-found skill (at least we did it by the 18 month mark- sheesh!)
We had a get-together to celebrate (Aunt) Julia's 26th birthday, (Uncle) Brandon's 19th, and Kaely's 8th birthday with a "typical" family (chaotic) dinner. Always a bustle of energy and craziness!
I also had to work on a school project for my Cultural Diversity course which meant exploring an ethnic restaurant that I had never been to. When I thought about this, I realized there weren't many types of foods I hadn't tried at least once, except Indian food. So while we had originally planned a nice date night out for Dave and I to check out the local restaurant (Passage to India), I realized that clearly wasn't going to happen, so instead I took both kids along with me. I was terrified- honestly. It's hard enough trying to take them anywhere with help, but going by myself? and with food they were likely not going to like? ACK! So, going for dinner at 4:30 pm, and was welcomed with an empty restaurant (briefly- but gratefully). Kaely amazingly went along with the rule of at least trying things, and Chase? Well, as usual he ate it all. It was a really awesome experience!
We were also fortunate enough to have received a new hammock, which has been the highlight at the summer apparently. It has made the usually oppressively hot and muggy summer, bearable and thoroughly enjoyable. Everyone has been fighting over who gets to 'play' in it, and we've spent so much more time outdoors just enjoying the simple things.
That also includes the inflatable water/splash area for the kiddos- if it didn't kill the yard I'd leave it out all the time!
Kaely also found her stash of toys in the garage (from back in December when she got in trouble), so the baby doll stroller had become the (short-lived) fun indoors- it was NOT meant for little toddler butts (much less Kaely's much larger one!) to sit in, but at that point it was worth the laughs. Chase even spent time pushing Kaely around the house in it- hilarious!
As usual, our days often revolve around food- and Chase has learned really quickly that yummy things come out of the oven. He loves standing there staring at whatever is baking- or trying to climb the darn oven. UGH!
We've also picked up the ability to "Pimp Out My Ride"- I actually googled how to pimp out my bicycle, and had a good laugh over all that I found. What can I say? Chase is loving it!!
As the summer of Master Chef continues as well, we had to do proper research on what the heck a macaron (not a macaroon) tasted like. So... off we went to the French bakery down the road- the little pink thing? Yep, that's it. At $1.60 a cookie (holy crap!) I had high hopes before I attempted to make it (part of the pressure test on the show a couple weeks ago). A bit (waaaayyy) too sweet for my taste, but I believe if I can ever find almond flour... challenge accepted! The kids had a blast with watching the bustle of the bakery while we ate our choquettes and Kae's cinnamon roll (big surprise!).

Chase and I even made the 5 1/2- 6 mile (almost 12 miles roundtrip) trek to Target the other day on the bike, and minus the rain on the way back- I was shocked to realize- hey! I can do this! (Okay, Dave wants me to carry a taser now- but still!) This is better than a gym- Chase is happy as pie being outdoors and on the bike, and I get a ton of exercise, save money on gas, and it's better for the environment!
Sure, things are a little more challenging- but isn't that what I usually enjoy in life? My sister has been gracious enough to help me out so I can still continue to volunteer at the hospital, which was honestly my biggest concern- but I still get to go. If I can help even just one mom (like the one who was struggling with a friend of hers continuing to give unsolicited advice- just reassuring her that she is the boss of that baby- empowerment!), it makes it worthwhile.
It's exciting to realize what we're capable of when put to the test- so with that? I will sit here and sip on this delicious lemonade ;)