Chase's Journey

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Sister's "Giant" Baby

Okay, it was very random that my sister and I ended up due less than 2 weeks apart- both with boys- this is her first baby though. So we've had a lot of good laughs over the miseries of pregnancy as we went along... but of course no one expected our little boy to give me such a hard time, and show up so early! So while I've been stressing over the NICU and other issues of the preemie-life, she continues to grow and be tormented by stretching skin, cankles and Flintstone feet, and the horrible 30-min bladder life. To top it off, she went in today for her 37 week ultrasound to find an estimated size of 8lbs for her baby boy. Hahahaha... poor girl. So at this rate she could easily have a 9-10 pounder if he goes all the way to his due date (and the ultrasound is accurate at all- they estimated Chase to be 3 1/2 lbs, and he ended up over 4lbs).

My sister from Jen's photo shoot at the house:

Something about knowing Chase at 1 month old (yesterday), is about half the weight of what his little cousin will be at birth, well... it's kinda scary. I'm going to look at her bundle of joy and think he's a giant! Heck, I'll be able to use her hand-me-downs probably for the new few months. Granted- I am confident Chase will catch up in weight by the end of the year at least, in the meantime I guess we're stuck being off the charts (on the bottom end)- even for a preemie/adjusted age- even if he weren't considered "IUGR"- Dave & I aren't the biggest people in the world, so poor kid will have some work to do to catch up!

(Last night) ...was the first time using the bath with the newborn sling- he absolutely loved it! Ended up closing his eyes for half of it, almost snoozing...  made me jealous- I want a bath!!! One more thing to wait for my "6 week checkup" for... grrrrr (with the incision site I can't soak in a tub still)... Nothing like the smell of a freshly bathed baby... so sweet!

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