Okay the original quote is "...a case of the Mondays..." but for me, it's Sunday. I mean, isn't it always Sunday you crave Chick-fil-a??? lol- just teasing- I know the reason behind that. But it is always Sunday that I have to say goodbye to my husband again for the work-week, and one of us has to get on the road and travel to return "home" -wherever that is. I know there are worse situations- but it is definitely far from ideal...
This weekend it was me & the kids- which was daunting- if not a bit adventurous. However, all in all, it wasn't too bad of travel- Kaely proved to be big help when Chase would need some soothing. We arrived Thursday evening, and Kaely immediately was intrigued by watching the drawbridge from the balcony- to her it was a great vacation :) Friday we explored by biking/walking after the car fiasco- but it was nice to be able to get fresh air & exercise that way. Dinner was pretty darn good if I may say so...
Saturday was the Lorax day- we went to IHOP for the Lorax breakfast- this is where I began to realize Kaely is now eating almost the same portions as me every meal- as long as she has input on the menu. Crazy! Her & Dave went to the movie, while Chase & I hung out- since he's a tad unpredictable. Made it to the pool for a bit before dinner, and just had a nice day overall enjoying having all 4 of us in one place for once. That hasn't happened since before Chase was born- so I guess it really has been a first.
Today was the best, with walking to the beach before the cold front came in... we attempted to set up the beach tent- which lasted all of 5 minutes before the wind took over and we gave up. I just kept Chase covered with a blanket creating a "mommy" tent. It was a beautiful morning! Lots of little moments that add up to big memories... as Kaely put it, "the best weekend EVER!" (you'd have to hear her voice)
Glad to be off the road and ready to pass out for the night snuggled up with a clean baby... but I definitely am missing my other half tonight... great days to come though!
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