Half of a year! He's almost as old as he was when I delivered him. Hmmm. Crazy. All those pesky issues from 4, 5, 6 months ago have diminished... we're just playing the eternal catch up on milestones- but for the most part he's "average" on size- even for a 6 month-er, and engaging with us constantly. Some of the physical milestones we're lagging on a bit- but I'm sure by the time he hits a year the gap will be gone.
We are back to waking up in the night- I guess the sleeping through the night was a temporary feat. Last night being an example, I couldn't sleep very well, so he must've sensed that, and decided to be wide awake, trying to play at 3am. UGH. He plays with his sister more and more everyday, since it's summer, she's bored and trying to help whenever possible. He still spits up constantly- I usually have to change outfits 1-3 times a day, but the kid is not lacking on nutrition. His hair is filling in- although I haven't figured out quite what color it is- looks dark, but then has almost blonde highlights... must be nice! It looks like I gave him a fade haircut- it's growing in so evenly. Kinda funny. We live for outdoor walks- the stroller is one of our best friends- even in the rain. We are still keeping the solids to a minimum- usually only one meal a day of fruits or veggies- but we're increasing slowly. No rush as long as he's happy. Still not sure if he's actually teething, or if he'll be like his sister and just act like he's teething until he's a year old before breaking one in. Eeeek!
I am thoroughly sick of people everywhere asking the infamous "Is he hungry?" question every single time I'm out anywhere- because inevitably he starts fussing near the checkout line when at a store, or anywhere we stop and stand still too long. I know people mean well, but... it's so frustrating. I swear I'm gonna just pull out a boob next time and say, "hey, you know what? Let's check..." - hmmmm. LOL- maybe not.
Now that we hit 6 months, looks like we can finally use sunscreen- which means maybe us albinos will get outside some! He's such a water baby that the pool may quickly become our best friend. It's so hard getting him to sit properly in his tub since he's always scooching around to make it so he floats. Dad always worries about water in the ears.
The independent streak, along with wanting to be involved (i.e., he was mad about laying on the floor with his toys while I'm sitting here typing, so now he's sitting in my lap, feet on the keyboard, just staring at the screen- content) constantly... on one hand it's nice because he can usually entertain himself for a good amount of time so I can get things done. The highchair is my new best friend, since on wheels, he can move around the kitchen with me while I cook or clean up- or- when all else fails, go on a "ride" around the kitchen island like a race car :)
I've finally gotten to the point that I'm not as nervous about people holding him, because he is far from fragile now. Heck, yesterday I was thinking how fragile I felt Nathan was when I was watching him. He feels so thin compared to Chase, I'm afraid of hurting him. Chase is- well, solid. I do get nervous though because Chase doesn't sit still for long, and scoots around- he'll get mad, stiffen up, and try to slip down real quick. For that reason, I still keep a close eye, because I know the tricks he likes to pull. LOL.
Using a bottle is rare, and when we do, well, it's a challenge. Another reason we haven't really had anyone watch him at all. That, and there's usually only a day or two where Dave and I have an opportunity to go out together, so... it's been way too long.
Oh well- we have our doctor's appointment on Monday, so I'll have all of his official size updates- can't wait!
and this pic I just couldn't help but post- looks like how she used to sleep when she was a baby- haha