Chase's Journey

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Disney Daze...

So we braved the crowds and heat to take the kids to Disney today- planned on Animal Kingdom, but after a couple things at the Magic Kingdom, we were not about to start trekking all over another park. I don't understand how people can pay a small fortunate to stand on top of each other and suffer from heat stroke, LOL- nah... it wasn't too bad most the day, but it is 5pm and we're already home. Sad :(

A few fun(ny) pics of the day

The start of the day...

Contrary to the look- he actually was good nearly the whole day 

The new "Fantasyland" they are building- this one is the castle from Beauty & the Beast

Uh oh- clock struck noon and we were in line instead of feeding him

On the boat at It's A Small World... classic


Enter in story about massive diaper blow out- nothing was salvageable- fortunately I packed change of clothes, blankets, etc- he had a chance to 'air out' while Dave went looking for more wipes or something of use- oh my

While waiting on Chase's diaper situation, Kaely's popsicle melted everywhere- funny enough, it was runny, yellow, and looked like the blowout diaster

The duck- amazing how we are in a theme park, and this is what she spent 20 minutes playing with

End of the day, after "my feet are hurting!" and every single step "Ow... ow...ow..." 

Chase stayed in good spirits though- I guess being carted around and kept in the shade helps!

Happy 6 Months!

Half of a year! He's almost as old as he was when I delivered him. Hmmm. Crazy. All those pesky issues from 4, 5, 6 months ago have diminished... we're just playing the eternal catch up on milestones- but for the most part he's "average" on size- even for a 6 month-er, and engaging with us constantly. Some of the physical milestones we're lagging on a bit- but I'm sure by the time he hits a year the gap will be gone.

We are back to waking up in the night- I guess the sleeping through the night was a temporary feat. Last night being an example, I couldn't sleep very well, so he must've sensed that, and decided to be wide awake, trying to play at 3am. UGH. He plays with his sister more and more everyday, since it's summer, she's bored and trying to help whenever possible. He still spits up constantly- I usually have to change outfits 1-3 times a day, but the kid is not lacking on nutrition. His hair is filling in- although I haven't figured out quite what color it is- looks dark, but then has almost blonde highlights... must be nice! It looks like I gave him a fade haircut- it's growing in so evenly. Kinda funny. We live for outdoor walks- the stroller is one of our best friends- even in the rain. We are still keeping the solids to a minimum- usually only one meal a day of fruits or veggies- but we're increasing slowly. No rush as long as he's happy. Still not sure if he's actually teething, or if he'll be like his sister and just act like he's teething until he's a year old before breaking one in. Eeeek!

I am thoroughly sick of people everywhere asking the infamous "Is he hungry?" question every single time I'm out anywhere- because inevitably he starts fussing near the checkout line when at a store, or anywhere we stop and stand still too long. I know people mean well, but... it's so frustrating. I swear I'm gonna just pull out a boob next time and say, "hey, you know what? Let's check..." - hmmmm. LOL- maybe not.

Now that we hit 6 months, looks like we can finally use sunscreen- which means maybe us albinos will get outside some! He's such a water baby that the pool may quickly become our best friend. It's so hard getting him to sit properly in his tub since he's always scooching around to make it so he floats. Dad always worries about water in the ears.

The independent streak, along with wanting to be involved (i.e., he was mad about laying on the floor with his toys while I'm sitting here typing, so now he's sitting in my lap, feet on the keyboard, just staring at the screen- content) constantly... on one hand it's nice because he can usually entertain himself for a good amount of time so I can get things done. The highchair is my new best friend, since on wheels, he can move around the kitchen with me while I cook or clean up- or- when all else fails, go on a "ride" around the kitchen island like a race car :)

I've finally gotten to the point that I'm not as nervous about people holding him, because he is far from fragile now. Heck, yesterday I was thinking how fragile I felt Nathan was when I was watching him. He feels so thin compared to Chase, I'm afraid of hurting him. Chase is- well, solid. I do get nervous though because Chase doesn't sit still for long, and scoots around- he'll get mad, stiffen up, and try to slip down real quick. For that reason, I still keep a close eye, because I know the tricks he likes to pull. LOL.

Using a bottle is rare, and when we do, well, it's a challenge. Another reason we haven't really had anyone watch him at all. That, and there's usually only a day or two where Dave and I have an opportunity to go out together, so... it's been way too long.

Oh well- we have our doctor's appointment on Monday, so I'll have all of his official size updates- can't wait!

and this pic I just couldn't help but post- looks like how she used to sleep when she was a baby- haha

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Growing Up Too Fast

This is a statement for the both of them! Kaely wanted to hold Chase this evening, and watching her do so, it cracked me up. Hard to believe how he was the size of one of her baby dolls when she first got to hold him. Now she realizes why she's not allowed to carry him- because "gee mom! he's really heavy!" - haha.

We spent the first half of the day cleaning house- long overdue- crap like washing the curtains and mopping the floor- all the stuff I loathe. But... it needed it. Kaely had a date for an afternoon bday celebration, so Chase and I just hung out- he snoozed while I enjoyed a book. Not too bad! The kids crack me up- complete with a pouting tantrum over summer's bedtime curfew. Fun fun fun... I'll look back and think how easy these times really were- I'm sure! Happy Summer!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Kaely!

the Big "007" ... ha... Making me feel old today! (okay, a little more than usual anyway)... good times

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Power of a Sleeper

I started digging through Chase's wardrobe yesterday after we got back, and realized he's starting to fit into the "9 month" size clothes... which is kind of crazy to think of now. So I pulled out a stack of pj's, and found some 6 month sleepers hidden that I must've put in the wrong spot a while ago. So out I pull this green and blue striped one that kept catching my eye. Just a typical, cute Carter's outfit- until I put it on him (yes he's sleepy), I realized why...

So I dug out Kaely's scrapbook, and sure enough, found the photo of her in an almost identical one (I know it wasn't the same because I happily got rid of all of her clothes as a baby)... It's so crazy how that one piece of clothing triggered all these memories, plus it's strange how much they resemble each other in certain ways- lots of facial expressions (must be my fault)... 

Since tomorrow is Kaely's 7th birthday, I have to take time to really appreciate how much she changed my life as well. And in looking at these photos now, I am thinking- woah- at 5 months (the first week of December 2005), she was crawling, sitting on her own, standing on her own, and attacking the dog- LOL. Boys vs. Girls- insane! I had to share though, because as many photos that I took of Kaely her whole life, I never had the thought of keeping a journal or blog like this. She deserves some of the spotlight as well. Plus, I have to admit to being a bad mom and comparing kids- shame on me- I know better. That's okay, Chase is going to show her up, and save me when she hits the teenage years ;) 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Make This Last Forever...

I am under no illusion that my daughter will always like me, always want to hang out with me, go out of her way to help me, and all those other wonderful fairy tale-like events... So until I have to accept the reality of adolescence I will indulge in these moments :) Just like while I was playing with Chase, she came up behind me, hugging me, saying "you're the best and most fun mom ever!" - *sigh* - poor kid doesn't know any better :) 

I guess these are also the times that I look at Kaely and miss her baby phases (she was such an easy baby), but then I look at Chase and can't wait until he's her age... then I wise up and just enjoy them as the days give them... I realize I know as little now about being a mom as I did at 24 chasing after Kaely. I think you can have 10 kids and still feel like you're out of your element with the differences these crazy kids throw at you. 

Being a mom? Exhausted down to the end of my hair- but letters (even that she can write this on her own)- makes me think I can survive the job :)

5 Months, 3 Weeks, and 5 Days

Just looking at that impish grin makes me relax and smile back. So many things drive me batty- but hard to believe it's already been nearly 6 months since our little bug arrived so dramatically. As always, he decides what time frame he feels like working with- with no regard to anyone else's ideal guidelines or expectations. It's as though he wakes up in the morning and decides which hat to wear- rarely ever the same kid twice. The colic woes of last week have been followed up by the champion jet-setter and endures customer service and security better than most of the adults in line- today. Extreme gratitude is to be felt. 

He got to see his cousin today for the first time in a couple weeks now, and the size difference is getting larger- so crazy to turn the tables! They were both blowing raspberries and grunting and whacking all the toys. Then of course they both showed off their tummy-time skills and flipping over. Niiiiiice... 

Considering we flew home this morning to be greeted by tornado watches/warnings, dog poop, and an outdoor ceiling fan hanging by wires (apparently a result from the high winds of last night?)... I was ready to lose it today- but these two clowns made the day turn around into giggles for all :) 

"Just" A Mom

Thanks April!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Hulk

That is the only explanation we've been able to come up with. Chase is really the Hulk- in baby form. Why else would he get his challenging grunts and flexing practice in? He started this up last week- at first I thought it was just at Dad- like a challenge- hey- you wanna mess with me? But then he's now been doing it at other random times- and never fails to make me laugh. It's just sooooo... bizarre.

After a really rough week with him, we started looking up colic over the weekend, symptoms seeming to point in that direction. Then come Monday, when it was just him & I for the first time in over a week, he was nearly angelic. Started making me realize maybe there is no physical problem, just a spoiled rotten problem. Of course he gave me trouble yesterday- but still... We had a good laugh at the thought of anyone else attempting to watch him for anything more than an hour. There's no way anyone could handle it- seriously and truly. Milk provided or not, he just goes into an inconsolable mood and there's not much anyone can do. It would truly test the patience of anyone, and honestly- I don't want to know what would happen to someone who felt as frustrated as I know I do- and that's me being mom and having the ever-popular backup plan (the boob).

It's okay though- things have to get easier as time goes on (right???) In the meantime, we endure all the curious stares and inquiries of strangers on our adventures out of the house. Sitting today at Einstein Brothers Bagels, and everyone keeps stopping to ask questions, or try to make him smile... I know it's supposed to be cute and endearing, but sometimes I just want to be able to chew my food in peace and not have to worry about having to sanitize my hands and Chase,... LOL. Okay, I'll try to behave- enjoy the video (goofiness as always)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

So Dave's first official Father's Day didn't go exactly as planned... Kaely and I picked out a funny card, and she made sure it was written by her... we got a cheap bottle of wine, made a carrot cake (a couple days earlier- whooops), and had put together a shadow box of the hospital gown Dave wore when Chase was born, with his footprints and his Name/DOB/weight, etc written on it (by the nurses in the OR)... but since I was horrible about surprises, it was all spread out over the past week or so, so the surprises lacked impact (I think- oh well)... I picked up some bacon to make breakfast, and when I opened it I thought- woah- this smells weird. So I tried cooking a couple pieces, and I wanted to gag. So breakfast plans went out the window (and yes, I returned it to the store - it was bad)... then Chase, oh, our beautiful boy... yeah, he screamed half the day... On one hand I selfishly appreciated that Dave got to see what I meant all week about how he's been- plus a firsthand experience to why I'm so exhausted/stressed at the end of the day although I haven't really done a whole lot. It drains you and hurts you to see the little bug in pain or discomfort, or whatever it is that's making him so mad.

Fortunately, after a soothing bath and my newest attempt to just feed him everytime- I started wondering, maybe he's quite simply just hungry. Even though he keeps spitting up, or just ate, it's the one thing that calms him down- so maybe it's a growing thing... who knows, at this point I'm willing to try anything...

The day was capped off by watching most of the NBA Finals game- go figure we would be down here in Miami for it... and both passed out by 10. Sad. :)

I hope he had a good day overall- at least we got several good laughs and smiles and a snuggly baby in between the fussing...

Kaely's Adventures

Surviving the first week of summer has been an eye opener. It takes a lot of patience and energy to keep up with a school aged child out on summer break. Fortunately, all in all, she's a pretty easy-going child, and makes friends everywhere we go. Friday morning we were hoping to run into Kaely's new friend at the park for the 3rd day in a row- but after about 20 minutes, there was no sign of her. She was pretty bummed out, but what she ended up getting instead was a 3-for... In ran in a set of 7 year old triplets. It took no time at all, before you know it she was running around keeping up with the boys. Kai, Wyatt, and Seth apparently live in the area, got to get the scoop on how the schools are, activities at the library, and all the other fun stuff that is vital to a 7 year old's survival :) Unfortunately, we had to go back to the apartment for lunch (mainly because Chase needed to eat), so we didn't get a chance to meet back up with them later on, but of course she's holding onto hope to see them again very soon...

Then we had Saturday- lucky us, Dave ended up having to work that morning (grrrrr), so we all headed to his office, since it's in South Beach, and parked at the garage. Kaely, Chase and I walked around on Lincoln, still a bit early for most the shops, but with all the fountains, it gave us something to do after stopping in at Starbucks for a drink. Luckily Kaely is up for just about any adventure, so 5 pennies was all it took to entertain her :)