So Dave's first official Father's Day didn't go exactly as planned... Kaely and I picked out a funny card, and she made sure it was written by her... we got a cheap bottle of wine, made a carrot cake (a couple days earlier- whooops), and had put together a shadow box of the hospital gown Dave wore when Chase was born, with his footprints and his Name/DOB/weight, etc written on it (by the nurses in the OR)... but since I was horrible about surprises, it was all spread out over the past week or so, so the surprises lacked impact (I think- oh well)... I picked up some bacon to make breakfast, and when I opened it I thought- woah- this smells weird. So I tried cooking a couple pieces, and I wanted to gag. So breakfast plans went out the window (and yes, I returned it to the store - it was bad)... then Chase, oh, our beautiful boy... yeah, he screamed half the day... On one hand I selfishly appreciated that Dave got to see what I meant all week about how he's been- plus a firsthand experience to why I'm so exhausted/stressed at the end of the day although I haven't really done a whole lot. It drains you and hurts you to see the little bug in pain or discomfort, or whatever it is that's making him so mad.
Fortunately, after a soothing bath and my newest attempt to just feed him everytime- I started wondering, maybe he's quite simply just hungry. Even though he keeps spitting up, or just ate, it's the one thing that calms him down- so maybe it's a growing thing... who knows, at this point I'm willing to try anything...
The day was capped off by watching most of the NBA Finals game- go figure we would be down here in Miami for it... and both passed out by 10. Sad. :)
I hope he had a good day overall- at least we got several good laughs and smiles and a snuggly baby in between the fussing...
Ours was a bust too. Ollie was up all night do we slept all day. And I complete forgot the bacon! Lol