Just look around and be genuinely grateful for your health, for those around you, for those gifts given to you...
This school year I've seen a couple times this young boy- I can't tell his actual age because he's nearly my height and probably my weight- but is good-natured and seems to have Autism. All of the teachers and staff know him, and all are kind and loving. Then, not too long ago, I saw his younger brother. A bit smaller, but same shocking red, curly hair, and also Autistic. Their mother parks her BMW in the parking lot, and comes out to walk up to get them. A true blonde, gorgeous, and fashionable. On the surface, it's what many of us wish for... but I can only imagine what all that has cost. To her credit and beyond, she seems to truly have a heart of gold, and embraces each of her sons without hesitation.
As I sit on the sidelines and watch- I realize we are all given things for a reason. Lessons to learn of gratitude or selflessness.
I just wanted to say how incredibly grateful I am for my two crazy, healthy, gorgeous children, husband, and even the hairy dogs.
(This picture was just found on my friend Jen's computer, I had never seen this shot... hard to believe it was a year ago now!)
This is now my third time reading this post. It will never get old. I am so thankful for my blessings. Xx