Well- we made it this far! He was a big flirt to all the ladies in the doctor's office- they all had to come around to the desk and oooh and ahhh over him... he got the compliment that they see a lot of babies, but he's gotta be one of the cutest- that's right!!! :) hehe
The data came in at:
Weight: 16 lbs (even) (Birth was: 4 lb 2 oz)
Length: 25 1/2" (... 17")
Head Circ: 42 cm (...30 cm)
Actual (6 months):
22nd percentile for weight
17th percentile for height
10th percentile for head circ
Adjusted (4 1/2 months):
just over 50th percentile for weight
just at 50th percentile for heigh
just over 25th percentile for head circ
The simple facts are, the child is not going to be a giant- unless he gets some wild crazy gene that gives him height, between Dave & I, I don't see it happening. So for him to be on the charts at all now is awesome :) He was going bonkers on the scale and the exam table- trying to roll around and check everything out. He started squealing and making all sorts of noises at his doc... on some things he's right on target for a 6 monther- on others, he's right on for a 4 monther... so all-in-all, he's doing really great, and very healthy.
The paper we got said development expectations for 6 months is:
-Rolls from back to tummy and tummy to back (working on it- has done both- just not consistently)
-Sits in a "tripod" position" and sits with support (yes on the sits with support, working on sitting alone)
-Transfers objects from one hand to another (he has begun doing this- okay, most the time it goes into his mouth first, but still!)
-Squeals, vocalizes, and laughs (yes to all- except the laughs are still rare- which makes them that much more special)
-Places objects in the mouth, drools a whole lots, and brings feet to mouth (yes, yes, and not yet! lol)
-Works for toys and objects out of reach (this is what inspires him to scoot and turn around- he'll twist and reach and scoot backwards to grab his favorite toys)
So see? He's not far behind- just gotta make him "work out" more often :) (now I have that song in my head...) Didn't seem to have any teeth coming to the surface- her response? You'll know he's teething when they came through. Well... duh... but her point was that a lot of the teething "symptoms" are the same things that they normally do anyway- drool, chew, fuss, etc... oh well :)
A million immunizations later- poor baby. It was 3 shots (DTaP, Polio, Hib, Hep B, PCV13) and the 1 oral one (Rotavirus)...Had to stop by Target to get more acetaminophen- so grateful for generic brands- $2 and change helps a lot compared to some other stores charging $5-$8 for the same thing. And what did the checkout lady ask while in line? Oh yeah- "Oh my- is he hungry??" (I am not exaggerating! I even brought a bottle today- tried feeding him while walking through the store)....anyway, so we're cuddled up on the couch- I plan on spoiling him this afternoon because I know he's gotta feel like crap. My sweetheart... he gets 3 months off, then we enter into flu (vaccine) season... time's flying!
Yay! It all sounds great! Oh and what a cutie!!! I never get tired of seeing his pictures.