Yeah, so we've been missing in action in the virtual world the past several days. Since I took on the project of his jungle room, I've had the laptop in the room for reference, and well, too lazy to cart it back and forth. The 4th of July we laid low, tore up the yard, then visited with family and watched fireworks in our back yard... day after I played at the house while Dave had to work, then Friday I babysat the Nathan-ater and made a belated birthday dinner for my other sister. Saturday brought more friends & family visits and dinner with the grandma's and Chase finally meeting his Uncle Brandon for the first time (slacker)... so we've been busy doing a whole bunch of nothin' :)
Cranky baby over here not enjoying the lack of attention from mom who is taking advantage of dad being here to help out so I can play with paint... Lots of craziness to go around as always!
Here are some updated pics of the room- slowly getting there!
Wow! That room is amazing! Im so jealous. Friggin Star Wars...