Chase's Journey

Friday, December 14, 2012

Horrified and Sick To My Stomach

What is wrong with people in this world? The news of the massacre in the elementary school located in Newtown, CT reached us sitting in our homes today. Appears that the madman -at 20 years old- opened fire on what they believe is his mother and nearly an entire 1st grade class- killing 20 children, a total of 26* people dead at this point. I cannot even wrap my head around this- in my own fears of protecting my children, even when that means having to intervene and discipline them, I do not know how we can send them to school, the mall, the movies, without fear of them never returning.

We sat stunned months ago after the massacre at the Dark Night movie- wondering how this child could grow up to become that kind of person. At least there, it seemed that everyone was a target, and not as many children were there. But to take down an entire classroom of elementary school children? I am baffled and horrified.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those families, and may he burn in hell.

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