Chase's Journey

Thursday, February 28, 2013

And We Shall Name Him Max...

um- okay, not really- but I have been thinking about it. As in Max, from the book, Where The Wild Things Are...

So, his latest "quirk" is closing doors. Not just closing them- but making sure he is on the other side when he does. If you should open it- especially to see what's he's getting into- he races over, looks up at you, and closes it shut again. He kept doing this with the pantry door too, saw that I opened it (hey, I was cooking dinner), raced over, slammed it shut, raced back out the gate to the other room- then looked back when I opened it to get something else out- raced back over, and the whole thing repeated. Of course, me being the sweet, loving mom that I am, decided to mess with him and keep doing it. Hmmm- exercise?

And these two? This is why wine exists. Sigh... Nothing like two spoiled rotten, high-maintenance boys to send a person over the edge. LOL.

Before & After- Kaely made the mistake of leaving her Kindle on the ground- Chase found it, was happy- then Kae took it away...

Nothing wrong with a little cartoon action- this was fairly shocking, albeit short-lived. Yay for Shrek!

Ahhhh... the joys of parenthood ;)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Strangest Things These Kids Eat (and Won't Eat)

Nothing like dinner time to stress a mom out. The gambling game of "will they eat it?" and "will it end up flying across the table?" ... Thanks to some of my school classes, including (or especially) my nutrition class, I've made a decision to try a different fruit or vegetable each week- something I have either never had or never cooked before. Right now Chase is usually game for trying just about anything, but Kaely was like this too, until older toddler-hood, soooooo... we'll see. I'm trying to explore again for Kaely too, because chicken nuggets and carrot sticks cannot be dinner every night.

So, last week we tried yucca (or cassava)- which was actually pretty good. Kaely wasn't around for it- but hey- something different... then today I baked up some "kale chips" which I'd heard about, but well, who knows. To my surprise not only did Chase eat them, but Kaely asked for the whole tray, and made me promise not to eat them all. Really???

Other random things I've found in both kids:

Strange dislikes:
Potatoes- mashed, roasted, cheesy, etc.- doesn't like 90% of them- WHAT???
(Nearly) any vegetable cooked- must be raw
Casseroles/mixed dishes. She loves chicken, beef, etc. as well as other parts- but mixed together? Forget it

Surprising likes:
Spinach, broccoli, etc.- raw
Salmon- the kid would eat a whole pound if I let her

Strange dislikes:
cottage cheese and most cheeses (is this my child??)
macaroni & cheese (what???)

Strange likes:
Limes- straight up, bite into a fresh cut lime
(nearly) anything off my plate

Some of the best things I've discovered for snack time and such are of course Craisins, raisins, the squeeze pouches of fruit & veggie mixes, sweet potato fries, oatmeal packets, etc. I swear a huge chunk of my day is spent thinking about what to feed the kids, how to make something, how much things cost, etc. 75% of the reason I leave the house in a vehicle is to go to the grocery store- RIDICULOUS!

Anyway- just some observations :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Things Not To Try On Your Own...

Attending an elementary school performance with a toddler. Do not attempt at home!

I've gotten frustrated with Chase before - this we all know. But today? OMG. He was such a BUTT. Combine that with a bunch of parents who keep running in front of you so they can try to snag a photo or video of their kid? I was ready to lose it today. I eventually had to leave the auditorium area and go outside with him because he just wouldn't stop trying to throw himself down, screeching, and throwing my phone and cameras. Definitely the ultimate test in patience today.

Anyway- here are some videos and pics nonetheless ;)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

You Know You're Old When...

Kaely, Dave & I were discussing her social studies project this morning before school, she has to write a paper about a past president. She was complaining that she didn't know anything about Thomas Jefferson (who she chose), so we talked about researching it. I said we could look it up online later after school, or she could use an encyclopedia from the library. She looked at me funny and said, "What's an encyclopedia? I've never heard of that..."


Are we really past the point where kids don't even know what a freakin' encyclopedia is? How depressing...

Between that, and the conversations after Valentine's Day... she received a special gift from a boy in her class, including a dollar, which she said she bought him a Valentine's gram message thing with- but that she had originally planned on getting it for herself until the staff told her it's supposed to be for someone else. Sigh... I said, "Child! We need to talk about this... just not today"- (so scary, this whole 'growing up' stuff... plus trying to teach her about being selfless, and grateful to others...ugh)... so she finishes getting ready for bed, plops her butt on the foot of the recliner, tucks her legs under her and says, "Okay, let's talk now and get it over with"- WHAT? OMG.

I am terrified of the coming years... just saying... and whoever said that boys were easier never met Chase.

I'll leave you with some fun pics from yesterday/today :)

(Oh- and for the record- I recommended she NOT wear this... but in the end, decided to let her express her creative freedoms... LOL)

(yummmm... black bean soup)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why My Hair Is Turning White

This morning as I was straightening up around the kitchen, Chase 'escaped' into the living room (through the baby gate) as he loves to do- usually to pull all the books off the bookshelf (all his & Kae's books). So I kept an ear out and finished what I was doing, since there is much of anything over there. He started doing his frustrated grunt/whine, so I finally walked over to inspect, and this is what I found:

Apparently the look of shock on my face was amusing to him- as it was a total WTF moment to me. I mean- WHAT? How the heck did this happen??? I quickly grabbed him and placed him back in front of his toys and reinspected the area. I suppose he must've climbed up the other chair, then over the side to the stroller- AHHHHH....

So, then later today, after his nap, we were playing on the floor, the dogs were over by the gate, so off he went again to the other room (I swear, I never remember to close the gate all the way when it's just us...), so I peeked around and saw he was messing with the cord thing for the chair, so I grabbed the video camera- anticipating what was to come... not to disappoint- this is what he did (granted, I missed the climb into the chair- super quick monkey)...


You Know You're Married With Children When...

These are the cards you give each other for Valentine's Day...

Needless to say, I had a good laugh at the irony reading my card this morning... but... major brownie points to Dad- he was up early making pancakes and coffee for breakfast in bed- Best Valentine's Ever! :) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy 1 Year (Adjusted)!

The official due date for Mr. Chase was 2/12/12... and well, we just got to spend some extra time with him :) So, as the calendar came around to today, I couldn't help but think about all the differences in those couple months. Speed demon crawling around the house, cruising along the furniture, and climbing on - EVERYTHING. Temperament is still to be desired (cranky butt!)- but I'm sure that's due to my spoiling him the past year. Our favorite thing is to ride on the bike- still not crazy about the helmet, but much better knowing it means he can ride :) I realized the other day as he sat there and ate half of my grilled turkey & cheese sandwich, that I have to start feeding him like a little boy rather than a baby now. He needs toddler food- sandwiches and random "adult" foods, rather than just cut up fruits, veggies, and pieces of meat. It's a work in progress since it's a lot of work to feed this kid! I'm still enjoying our 2 naps a day- as he's snoozing now (thank goodness!), and trying to get more physical/active play in while he's up. Lots to learn about this little boy- and as the video below shows? Boys will be boys :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Baby's First... Camping Trip!

Wahoo! Almost (or as) exciting as my new bike to wheel Chase around in, was getting the "go-ahead" to do our camping trip. Years and years -all talk, no action. So... we made it! and we took the dogs to boot. Learned a lot over a 1 night camping trip- plenty of knowledge to help with future trips to be sure :) The tent I got on clearance from Walmart is the COOLEST EVER! Lots of trips to come and some fun pics as always!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom! - You're Old :/

Yes Chase, Mommy's getting old. Sorry. Something about all the worries and lack of sleep this  year have aged me to at least my biological age- so depressing- LOL

Anyway, I was fortunate enough to FINALLY get my bike (WAHOO!) and Chase's seat for the bike for my birthday. I went through 2 1/2 bikes- finally got the one I wanted, put the child seat on it, took it out to test it, and a stinkin' flat tire! Waited it out for a day, and just went to a bike shop to get a new tube and repaired the darn thing myself. I was beyond impatient and overexcited- but it was totally worth it. Hey- at least I know how to fix it now! Kaely arrived Monday (on my bday), and my birthday gift? Yep- she was sick. For at least a couple days, and still coughing... luckily she's doing much better now :)

Ahhhh... then, we have the boys- like father, like son...

Here's Chase and his seat... he HATES the helmet, but loves the ride... so he screams like someone is hurting him half the time, is entertained the other half, then starts all over again... I made it over to Publix yesterday, and on the way home- he passed out :) LOL

More and more he's eating EVERYTHING in sight- including my caesar salad and 'the works' pizza the other day at lunch... he's insatiable! When all else fails? Stick him straight in the bath before he spreads the mess everywhere else :)
Part of the reason posts have been lagging is because during our visit at the local farmers' market last week, Chase threw a fit and my camera went flying- soooooo... been without my regular one- only the phone- which is never as fun :) All is good though- getting back on top of school work, and Dad is helping out with the 2/3/4/5am wake up calls so I can find some sleep in there somewhere!

Happy 1st day of February :)