Chase's Journey

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Strangest Things These Kids Eat (and Won't Eat)

Nothing like dinner time to stress a mom out. The gambling game of "will they eat it?" and "will it end up flying across the table?" ... Thanks to some of my school classes, including (or especially) my nutrition class, I've made a decision to try a different fruit or vegetable each week- something I have either never had or never cooked before. Right now Chase is usually game for trying just about anything, but Kaely was like this too, until older toddler-hood, soooooo... we'll see. I'm trying to explore again for Kaely too, because chicken nuggets and carrot sticks cannot be dinner every night.

So, last week we tried yucca (or cassava)- which was actually pretty good. Kaely wasn't around for it- but hey- something different... then today I baked up some "kale chips" which I'd heard about, but well, who knows. To my surprise not only did Chase eat them, but Kaely asked for the whole tray, and made me promise not to eat them all. Really???

Other random things I've found in both kids:

Strange dislikes:
Potatoes- mashed, roasted, cheesy, etc.- doesn't like 90% of them- WHAT???
(Nearly) any vegetable cooked- must be raw
Casseroles/mixed dishes. She loves chicken, beef, etc. as well as other parts- but mixed together? Forget it

Surprising likes:
Spinach, broccoli, etc.- raw
Salmon- the kid would eat a whole pound if I let her

Strange dislikes:
cottage cheese and most cheeses (is this my child??)
macaroni & cheese (what???)

Strange likes:
Limes- straight up, bite into a fresh cut lime
(nearly) anything off my plate

Some of the best things I've discovered for snack time and such are of course Craisins, raisins, the squeeze pouches of fruit & veggie mixes, sweet potato fries, oatmeal packets, etc. I swear a huge chunk of my day is spent thinking about what to feed the kids, how to make something, how much things cost, etc. 75% of the reason I leave the house in a vehicle is to go to the grocery store- RIDICULOUS!

Anyway- just some observations :)

1 comment:

  1. Ollie LOVES cheese and Mac N Cheese. he is still in eat anything mode, except No salmon, which totally bums me out.

    And I am sending you and email right not for the kale chip low down!!
