Chase's Journey

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy 1 Year (Adjusted)!

The official due date for Mr. Chase was 2/12/12... and well, we just got to spend some extra time with him :) So, as the calendar came around to today, I couldn't help but think about all the differences in those couple months. Speed demon crawling around the house, cruising along the furniture, and climbing on - EVERYTHING. Temperament is still to be desired (cranky butt!)- but I'm sure that's due to my spoiling him the past year. Our favorite thing is to ride on the bike- still not crazy about the helmet, but much better knowing it means he can ride :) I realized the other day as he sat there and ate half of my grilled turkey & cheese sandwich, that I have to start feeding him like a little boy rather than a baby now. He needs toddler food- sandwiches and random "adult" foods, rather than just cut up fruits, veggies, and pieces of meat. It's a work in progress since it's a lot of work to feed this kid! I'm still enjoying our 2 naps a day- as he's snoozing now (thank goodness!), and trying to get more physical/active play in while he's up. Lots to learn about this little boy- and as the video below shows? Boys will be boys :)

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