Chase's Journey

Monday, June 17, 2013

Things That Go VRRRRRRMMMMM....

The highlight of the past week has been full of go, Go, GO! Kaely had her week-long horse camp where she got to learn about some of the care-taking of horses, riding both English & Western, and then some crafts & water activity. If it weren't so darn far away (a good 30-45 minute drive each way), I'd try to do another week- or the whole summer. Ah well, will post pics once we get them... she did awesome. I cannot wait until the future years that allow me to hopefully be able to put her in lessons and all that good stuff. I think that me being involved with horses in my pre-teen and early teen years kept me out of a world of trouble...

Then we have swim lessons for both kiddos going on. I was admittedly nervous about Kaely's class because she kept claiming she could swim to the other side, but I hadn't actually seen it- so I worried I had her placed in the wrong level class. However- she surprised me and has been doing really good. Definitely needing and benefiting from the lessons, but soaking up the knowledge and skills immediately. Very glad we did it!

Chase also surprised me with swim lessons this week. I spent the first class warning everyone how we cries/screams the whole time, but he's learning so it's important... we get into the the water, and all of a sudden he's now laughing and smiling and playing... What on earth??? It's been amazing, and I am so grateful I signed up for another round of lessons, otherwise I may have been left with the belief he just hated the water (which I knew couldn't be true), and that it was a lost cause. Looking forward to the rest of the lessons and the summer- I've given up on my hair for the summer, no point to doing anything with it since we're in and out of the pool. So... retro fro- here we come!

Lastly, my sister helped with Chase this week while I went to the hospital for the volunteer shift, and the other day when I dropped off Kaely at camp, but realized it was too far to drive all the way back home. So I took the opportunity to set up my own camp at Panera to try to get school work and studying done (Finals this week- and not just for the NBA!). So Chase had a chance to really play outside our house- and with Nathan for 2 days. One of Nathan's toys from Christmas was a Powerwheels 4-wheeler... I walked in to pick them up Wednesday, and I see Chase sitting on the thing, with Kaely behind him... I think- ummm, okay... then I turn around and Nathan's sitting on it- Chase gets on behind him, reaches around, and starts pushing the throttle driving them both around. I couldn't believe it! LOL. So lots of belly laughs since it was such an odd sight to me. So after another day of Chase playing on it nonstop and refusing to get off, they gave up and told us to just take it home. LOL.

But... we couldn't find the charger that same day, so by the time we got it home, the battery had died, and this was Chase first thing the next morning- he was so disappointed/confused/upset about why it wouldn't work. LOL.

Now we have it fully charged and ready to go... he's spent many hours on it, ramming into the walls and cabinets (still working on the concept of steering), and chasing after the dogs. We even brought it outside to play... honestly- it's AWESOME (so thank you Raeshel!).... One more fun activity to add to summer!

Oh- and Happy Father's Day to Dave, Papa, and Grumpy! As well as all the other amazing dads out there!


  1. I LOVE this post. And I am going to find ollie one if those cars...

    1. If you can find garage sales or something like that- its brilliant! Although a bit challenging before they learn to steer ;)
