As we sat at the pediatrician's today- going over introducing fruits first, then veggies- I'm thinking- woah! Wait a minute, I was excited about introducing cereal, all of a sudden it seems it's flying by too fast! We had some pats on the back over his growth- he's up to 12 lbs, 8 oz and 23 3/4" - which puts him in the 10th percentile for length and 12th percentile for weigh for a 4 month old... if you consider his adjusted age of about 2 1/2 months, he's right around the 50th percentiles... and has officially (more than) Tripled his birth weight- nice! He's still working on his muscle control and other "developmental" tasks- so he's right on track/ahead for his adjusted age- but it's still hard separating and not expecting him to meet his chronological age goals. But! He's still amazing!!! He gave the doctor big smiles (always with the glasses- they crack him up) and sat inspecting him for a minute- good job kiddo :) Unfortunately had another round of immunizations- so he's passed out now... hoping for an easy time, just gotta stay on top of the Tylenol. Just found out my sister was at the same doctor for Nathan's 2 month checkup, just an hour before us. Lucky me- he got his round of shots too- and yep, I'm watching him tomorrow. Two babies post-shots... oh boy.
Well- for now I'm just gonna snuggle and rest- it's gonna be a crazy day tomorrow! Happy Birthday baby boy! :)
A journey of a baby who is too impatient to wait and too stubborn to give up. The diary of the trials & tribulations his adventure brings us.
Chase's Journey
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Three Little Birds
Another day of dragon baby! Which led me to proving to Dave that there was a game when we were kids called "Don't Wake the Dragon..."
LOL... we started the day off okay, but man! Then, a much needed trip to Target for necessities led me to wanting to tear my hair out and run over all those people in my way. Why is it that people in the stores either stop and stare at you, ignore you completely, or try to make small talk when all you want to do is briskly walk through the aisles??? I just wanted to get him to sleep so I could finish the diapers & grocery trip- which meant I had to keep moving. Doing laps through the clothing racks and home section- ha... only took 20 minutes, but eventually succeeded. Took another couple hours, but in the end after food & a nap? We got this amazing baby!
It's like a little Gremlin... we even got to try out the rice cereal again, have a nice bath, eat, and snoozed through the evening (well, he did anyway). So... like the rainbow after a storm- it makes everything all right again... so... like Bob would say (our NICU theme song)... "Don't worry... about a thing... 'cause every little gonna be alright..."
LOL... we started the day off okay, but man! Then, a much needed trip to Target for necessities led me to wanting to tear my hair out and run over all those people in my way. Why is it that people in the stores either stop and stare at you, ignore you completely, or try to make small talk when all you want to do is briskly walk through the aisles??? I just wanted to get him to sleep so I could finish the diapers & grocery trip- which meant I had to keep moving. Doing laps through the clothing racks and home section- ha... only took 20 minutes, but eventually succeeded. Took another couple hours, but in the end after food & a nap? We got this amazing baby!
It's like a little Gremlin... we even got to try out the rice cereal again, have a nice bath, eat, and snoozed through the evening (well, he did anyway). So... like the rainbow after a storm- it makes everything all right again... so... like Bob would say (our NICU theme song)... "Don't worry... about a thing... 'cause every little gonna be alright..."
Saturday, April 28, 2012
March For Babies
As quickly as 5am came, it was a beautiful morning to have done the walk. Not only were we able to get there and start the walk, but also make a pit-stop at the hotel to say hi to Ashleigh & friends over at the Starbucks. We met some genuinely nice people during the walk itself, and saw some heart-breaking t-shirts dedicated to babies born and lost. It was definitely a reminder to be grateful for what we have and how fortunate to have Chase doing as well as he is. We even got to see one of our NICU nurses, Jelda, at the Winnie Palmer tent- it made for a great morning. Thank you all for your support!
Friday, April 27, 2012
I've Got A Lovely Bunch of... Carrots
Dee de la Dee... So... on we go with my projects of cooking- trying to use what I have on hand to stop wasting! So a million carrots, and what to do? Carrot cake - yum! Kaely helped out- not the prettiest cake, but I think it tasted pretty darn good :)
Today we wish Chase a happy 17 weeks!!! We have the walk tomorrow morning for March of Dimes, so gotta be up around 5 am, but looking forward to seeing all the sponsors such as Winnie Palmer, Nemours, and local places that we frequent. Even if we don't have an official team- it's still fun to be a part of the event.
Luckily "dragon baby" has gone back to his normal routine- only cranky in the evening (aka- now), but got lots of smiles and playtime in today- what a relief!!!
Today we wish Chase a happy 17 weeks!!! We have the walk tomorrow morning for March of Dimes, so gotta be up around 5 am, but looking forward to seeing all the sponsors such as Winnie Palmer, Nemours, and local places that we frequent. Even if we don't have an official team- it's still fun to be a part of the event.
Luckily "dragon baby" has gone back to his normal routine- only cranky in the evening (aka- now), but got lots of smiles and playtime in today- what a relief!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Dragon Baby
Our endearing term for Chase when he goes into one of his "fits..." I thought we survived the evening hours last night pretty well, only to be surprised when he woke up around 11, but I figured, eh, okay- feed him and go back to sleep... nope. He squirmed and fussed and cried and sniffed for a good hour after eating- finally passed out, only to get back up a couple hours later. I spent a solid hour trying to get him to sleep on his own last night before giving up and holding him to let him sleep for a while. Everytime I'd put him down he'd wake back up screaming. This has been a really random event, since for the past month or so he's slept wonderfully on his own, and for a good 4-8 hours at a time. Even morning time, when he's usually in a smiley mood, nope- we get the cranky butt. Sigh... so he's passed out on me now as I am stuck- I would let him "cry it out" but I feel he's either having a tummy problem or some other discomfort that's preventing him from sleeping right now. Sigh... Oh well- he's still my sweetheart, even if he does look like he could breathe fire :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Circus Clown
Dee dee deedledeedle dee dee... I have this little song stuck in my head as I envision the juggling act as a circus clown... Just when I think I have the act down pat, another ball/bowling pin/etc is thrown in to the mix. After surviving the weekend, and enjoying an unplanned extra day with Dave, and watching Nathan for a bit, then add in Kaely... well- almost survived. Then got the email from Kaely's teacher about issues at school- not to rat her out- but just made me stop and think about how things are going from her point of view. 6 1/2 years to herself with us all, and now she's jumping up and down trying to get our attention. I felt like total crap reading the email- it truly made me feel like a horrible mom, and how I need to make changes. Of course, that involves dedicating time specifically to Kaely, specifically to Dave (and I), specifically to Chase, and if any time is left over- well- hell, specifically to just me. Problem is, that it's hard to turn away and focus on just one thing at a time- and that's the same problem Kaely is having- focusing. Shocking, I know. But, at least I can try to tackle these things now while it's still early (I Hope!). Maybe plan on staying a good portion of the summer down south while school is out, while we figure out the plan for moving (or not)... make a beach vacation, and try to find the energy to truly spend quality time with everyone.
In the meantime, I just go through the motions, keep on juggling, strap on the seatbelt for the roller coaster that is our life! Once again, I send out cudos to moms with all these kids! It's a balancing act that I just haven't been able to master yet- maybe by the time their adults I'll get it down :)
A few photos from the past days as I've been slacking
In the meantime, I just go through the motions, keep on juggling, strap on the seatbelt for the roller coaster that is our life! Once again, I send out cudos to moms with all these kids! It's a balancing act that I just haven't been able to master yet- maybe by the time their adults I'll get it down :)
A few photos from the past days as I've been slacking
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Rain, Rain, Go Away...
Actually, I usually quite enjoy the storms, but this weekend? Caused a bit of chaos needless to say. Between some automobile issues, to making me think it was best to reschedule our first date night (still 4+ months and counting), to sitting around most of yesterday waiting on the storms that didn't even come until 2 am this morning. UGH. Oh well :) In the meantime, I've had fun indoors with Chase, such a goofball! He's become our little football player- so stocky! I did at least get to play outdoors yesterday morning in our poor desolate yard. We really need an overhaul... but it was awesome to get outdoors and play in the dirt. Made some homemade lasagna and keylime pie Friday, and garlic breadsticks from scratch to go with. Yummm... We introduced Chase to the "Bumbo" that was given to us by our friend Kathy a while back- he thinks it's hilarious! He can sit up more or less on his own, and check everything out. Also started doing that with the couch. We're working on the rolling over and crawling- still a ways to go- but everyday we find a new accomplishment. Completely slacking on posts this weekend, just enjoying keeping things low-key... hope everyone has a great one- Happy Earth Day!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Walk for Babies!
As many "wild hairs" as I tend to have, I just thought about the fact that I really want to get out, be active, and support a great cause... I'm a little late on the fundraising end of this event, as it's next Saturday, but I still wanted to try to get the word out, since March of Dimes is an organization I never thought we'd have a personal connection to before Chase- and now, facing life with a preemie, low birth weight, and all of our other challenges (that we're blowing through!), it's great to do what we can for other families too.
I’m walking in March for Babies and raising money because I care about healthy babies. I know this cause is important to you, too. Can you help me reach my goal by making a donation to my walk? It’s easy, just click through to my fundraising page.
To make a donation, visit my personal Web page at
If you would like to learn more about March for Babies,
visit the Web site at
visit the Web site at
Would you like to see what March for Babies is and why I'm walking?
Click here to see the video.
Click here to see the video.
The March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by
preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Your gift supports March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And it’s used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care (NICU)
You can make a secure donation with your credit card, or, if you prefer, cash or a check is fine, too.
Thank you for your support!
I Earned These Rolls!
It's a Preemie Thing!!! Not just a website- but a philosophy I think... I cannot stop staring at Chase in wonder the past day or two. Honestly- it's crazy to watch him grow almost overnight. Reminds me of Kaely's lima bean plants they grew in class- brought home last week in a cup, and now it's over 18" tall- in 5 days! We literally were just wearing "newborn" size clothes and diapers a month ago... just started wearing 0-3 month clothes recently- and he fits into the 3-6 month outfits now, and needs to upgrade to Size 2 diapers (almost done with the box of size 1's)... I decided this morning that for the sake of my back, he was going in the stroller instead of the carrier for the couple miles walk to school... it's not horrible, but starting to make my shoulders/neck ache. I am just gushing on him to everyone- as Dad likes to say- he is such a stud!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A week ago we were discussing the fact that the pediatrician recommended introducing infant cereal to Chase around 3 1/2 months, but I felt that he just wasn't ready for it. This was before the past couple days. The child is crazy! He has been an eating & sleeping monster. We have all sorts of different "monsters" now for him (another post to come I'm sure)- but the past couple days- a milk monster is definitely one of them. Last night he went through his crazy moody time around 6-8... I fed him, and he was fine- until I took him off... then we went nuts again. So my sister suggested that maybe he really was still hungry- I didn't think this was possible, but okay... sure enough... then took him off the other side, and he went nuts again. So I had a small bottle in the fridge- went ahead and warmed that up- the kid ate that too! Seriously had to be anywhere from 8-14 oz at once. He finally was happy, but wouldn't sleep! He was in the funniest milk stupor I've seen yet- completely "dazed and confused," eyes all baggy and a lopsided grin glued to his face, he wouldn't stop staring at me- I was cracking up.... finally- by about 10:15pm he fell asleep. He usually passes out by 8pm. Geez! Then he slept until 5am... What a night!
So today he started that pattern again- I'm producing soooo much milk, but he's completely "clearing his plate" if you will- so I decided, what the heck. I went ahead and prepared a little bit of the rice cereal with milk to give it a shot... not too bad! Finished off with a bath, and he is passed out by 8pm again. Nice! :) This growing stuff is hard work! 6 inches and about 8 lbs in 3 1/2 months??? Awesome!
So today he started that pattern again- I'm producing soooo much milk, but he's completely "clearing his plate" if you will- so I decided, what the heck. I went ahead and prepared a little bit of the rice cereal with milk to give it a shot... not too bad! Finished off with a bath, and he is passed out by 8pm again. Nice! :) This growing stuff is hard work! 6 inches and about 8 lbs in 3 1/2 months??? Awesome!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Catching Up!
Day 3 of The "Twins"- and woah- check it out! Poor Nathan is my scale in which I measure Chase's growth against. I think it's fair to say that Chase has caught up on size- and thereby justifies some of his weird moods/sleep patterns. Crazy! Nathan weighed in at 12 lbs 3 (? I think)oz, and 23 1/4" at his doctor's appointment yesterday... I measured Chase the other day, and he is right around 23" too... Finally! Our hard work paying off (lol).... Goofballs! I'll probably post pictures throughout the day...they are napping now- shhhhhh!
and of course Kaely getting in on the photo action... her all black fashion statement today- even down to the barrettes in her hair- oh boy :)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Moody Mondays
Debated on whether or not I'd get around to posting today- our "schedule" was kind of out of whack, and it's just been one of those days. I don't normally have Kaely here on a Monday morning, but due to schedule changes, she was here. So instead of attempting to sleep in this morning, I had to get up and walk- (self inflicted, I know). Dropped Dave off at the airport around 7 last night, only to find out they had some mechanical issues, and what ended up being a 3+ hour delay. So I stayed up for a while worrying about whether or not he would even be flying out, or if I'd be heading back to the airport to get him. Fortunately he did make it out, but what a mess! Chase actually slept almost through the night- but he's been either growing again or not feeling well, because it's nothing but restless sleeping (throw in some fussing off and on while he's half asleep) and eating all day. I think he's been up for maaaaybe 2-3 hours total today. Definitely not normal. Kaely tried to convince me to let her stay home "sick" - but after I said she wouldn't be able to watch tv or play at all, she started to give up on that, so we walked to school afterall. Add in the crazy, rogue armadillo that apparently didn't realize it was daytime- I just have been feeling off-kilter- today would've made a better Friday the 13th.
On the bright side, once the fun homework fights were over, and got around to making dinner, finally kicked up my feet and enjoyed vegging. Hoping Chase feels better soon- so strange to have him out of it for this long :( Wish me luck- day 3 of the "boys" tomorrow- starting at probably 6am- so off to sleep I go!
On the bright side, once the fun homework fights were over, and got around to making dinner, finally kicked up my feet and enjoyed vegging. Hoping Chase feels better soon- so strange to have him out of it for this long :( Wish me luck- day 3 of the "boys" tomorrow- starting at probably 6am- so off to sleep I go!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sunday at Home...
Ahhhh... how nice to be able to sleep in- okay- didn't mean I got to- but I could've! Sit and watch the news with a cup of coffee, not stressing about being anywhere or doing anything. Even got to walk to Publix with the boys for "fun" -enjoy the gorgeous morning outside. Played in the kitchen and had an actual meal for lunch (our home version of Chipotle), and am now lounging around while the boys nap and before I get to play some more for dinner- before bringing Dave back to the airport this evening. That's the worst part of it all, but it is easier than the 3-4 hour drive. Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Yummy Saturday!
Our day to splurge today. The weekends give me a freedom and excuse to cook and experiment- which is exactly what I plan to do! Started with using a certificate at Krispy Kreme this morning for some hot donuts right off the belt... then on to making the spicy Cilantro & Lime wings I saw on the show, The Chew... yum! The plan is a gorgonzola steak and salad later, with a stab at making a cheese & herb risotto later, and then imitating Chipotle tomorrow with a burrito (bowl) - black beans, cilantro lime rice, etc...
Phew! Hopefully Chase can handle the different foods... for an overcast day, it's not so bad :)
Phew! Hopefully Chase can handle the different foods... for an overcast day, it's not so bad :)
Friday, April 13, 2012
Snooze Button Blues
Ha... a song on Jewel's new children's album (thanks again- we're having fun with it!)- it made me laugh & relate! Trust me, if it weren't for coffee, you wouldn't want to be anywhere near me with the way our mornings have been... Chase is keeping up with his every 2-3 hour feedings throughout the night (again/still), and with this cold I've been battling, sleep is imperative! So the sound of that darn alarm going off instantly puts the cranky into me :) Fortunately by the time I get the coffee, a smiling (usually) Chase, Kaely's babbling, dogs fed, etc- and are walking out the door in the fresh air, I'm much better :)
Today was our day to walk on to the grocery store since we don't pick up Kaely from school, and I'm trying to keep up with the 4 miles a day- at least during the week. Something about the transition from outdoors into the grocery store sets off Chase every time. I walk briskly for the items on my list and try to make it out without terrorizing too many people. Fortunately a couple ladies in front of me started making faces and noises at him after I put him back in the stroller, and it was enough to make him stop screaming and smile for a minute- go figure! Oh well- he's gotta get used to it eventually... right???
On the bright side- seems the feedings may be paying off. Playing on the scale at the store, while not exactly precise or always reliable- still shows that he is in the 12 lb ballpark right now. Pretty darn awesome! Glad it's him getting heavier and not me getting weaker- LOL.
We also had our adventures on the way back to the house- complete with the baby alligator, and one of our roses blooming that I had to bring into the house. Kind of in shock at the moment having a night to myself... We'll see how Chase sleeps tonight and how well that alarm clock treats me in the morning to head to the airport :)
Happy 15 weeks!
Our "Monkey Spy Cam" :)
Today was our day to walk on to the grocery store since we don't pick up Kaely from school, and I'm trying to keep up with the 4 miles a day- at least during the week. Something about the transition from outdoors into the grocery store sets off Chase every time. I walk briskly for the items on my list and try to make it out without terrorizing too many people. Fortunately a couple ladies in front of me started making faces and noises at him after I put him back in the stroller, and it was enough to make him stop screaming and smile for a minute- go figure! Oh well- he's gotta get used to it eventually... right???
On the bright side- seems the feedings may be paying off. Playing on the scale at the store, while not exactly precise or always reliable- still shows that he is in the 12 lb ballpark right now. Pretty darn awesome! Glad it's him getting heavier and not me getting weaker- LOL.
We also had our adventures on the way back to the house- complete with the baby alligator, and one of our roses blooming that I had to bring into the house. Kind of in shock at the moment having a night to myself... We'll see how Chase sleeps tonight and how well that alarm clock treats me in the morning to head to the airport :)
Happy 15 weeks!
Our "Monkey Spy Cam" :)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Operation: Sandhill Crane
These cranes have gone back for a couple years now- specifically this pair has gone back at least since last year. How do I know? Because the one has a foot that is inverted- which is just like my duck's that I had raised from an egg as a kid- his was like that too. Kaely had named the two Allie & Alexander. The video was from last December in our backyard- they have little fear of us- which in turn startled Kaely- lol
Since we got home from the hospital in January, and began walking to school in February, I noticed that they had built a nest in the middle of a dried up retention pond a couple houses down from us. I pass it every day- about 4 times when you consider taking Kae to school and back. The mother crane always raises her head and watches us as we pass. The father (the one with the messed up foot) is always out scavenging for food. I've noticed that she has been planted in the nest for the past month- I'm not sure if the egg has hatched yet, but I know it'll be soon if it hasn't. I was concerned a week or so ago when we were expecting a lot of rain- since the ponds are normally very full- I thought the nest/egg/baby might get washed out.
Little did I know there were greater concerns. I noticed some surveyors the other day with blueprints out, and discussing the plant growth (with such low water levels, of course all sorts of grasses have grown over), I didn't expect to see them putting out flags a couple days later, and then today I was startled to see the tractor out in one of the three retention ponds, starting to dredge it up (again- this was done last fall). The worries are over the fact that this nest is going to be disturbed as a minimum- if not actually destroyed. Fortunately- this was not the pond being worked on today- but I know it seems to be on the agenda.
I made some calls, as the Sandhill Crane is a federally protected species. I am trying to find out who is in charge of the project- the county, the homeowner's association, or someone else? There are a few resources I uncovered, and am hoping that at least these birds have a chance to relocate before the work is done. I know that they can do so once the baby is a bit bigger, but until then... I guess I'm one of "those." Being around a family full of real estate people- I know this is their worst nightmare- but to me? I have a personal attachment to this little family, and I can't help but try and fight for them.
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"Allie" in her nest |
Enjoying the last bit of "cool" weather this morning (highs in the upper 70's), we had our brisk walk to school, and starting with the crossing guard, to the vice principal, to the other parents, and teachers at the car-rider line... everyone curious now- do I have one baby or two today? haha. Which- Raeshel was with me, so we had both babies- just not attached to me :) Made me kind of chuckle since especially after their screaming contest yesterday, we are well known for chaos...
I am thoroughly enjoying my quiet morning with just one kid for a bit- wrong to say, I know (love you Kae!) but still... ahhhhh ;) I need to recover, especially battling a cold the past week too- not enough time in the day to do it all and rest. These silly kids!
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