Chase's Journey

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What Its Like to Have Twins - Day 1

Oh dear... my sister found out a day or two ago that she had to return to work today, and on top of it, that it was an 8+ hour shift. Soooooo... since I'm on Chase duty as it is, I volunteered to help out :) This is as close to having twins as I'll ever (want to) get... and hats off to moms of multiples- not entirely sure how you do it and keep your sanity (or stay bathed!). 

First mission- after I woke up some, had coffee, and ate- my sister had to drop off Nathan & leave- it was then time to walk Kaely to school. Strap on the baby carrier and load up the stroller- Chase got the stroller since he behaves better in it- so strapping on a couple extra pounds- ouch! :) Survive the walk, get them back to change diapers & outfits, feed Chase, and take a shower! Fortunately I have enough room to put both the bouncy seat & swing in the bathroom for that. Then necessary naptime... proud of myself for getting them both to sleep only to realize I had to use the bathroom and was starving... but was not about to take the chance on waking them up. Once they did wake up, it was time to feed both, attempt "play time"- and change everyone again. Before you know it, it was time to go pick up Kaely from school- repeat above steps... get home- and again- repeat steps. Did I mention Nathan has the loudest, most terrifying banshee of a scream there is? All because you put him down? Ahhhh... Excedrin... Get one happy and the other is cranky- 3 more hours to go! hahaha... I'm just grateful I only had one... love them both though!!! :)

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