Chase's Journey

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Growth Spurt?

This is the only thing I can imagine that explains the fabulous eating/sleeping binges and crankiness... for the past few days at least now it's been a challenge- especially in the evenings- juggling the newest high maintenance routine. My reward is a decent night's sleep most nights, but the daytime? AHHHH... He is getting big- which is amazing- but the "I want to pull my hair out" crying routine around dinner time is frustrating. Top it off with a hormonal 6 year old (ok, not hormones, but I swear I'm doomed in the future years), the two of them set each other off at bedtime tonight- just as one was good, the other started... before I know it, Kaely is flipping out because she saw an ant in her room so she won't sleep in there, and doesn't want to be in any other room because she doesn't want to be alone, and Chase starts screaming and clawing at me overtired and crazy. Tell me again how people have large families??? Nuts.

Anyway- hoping for big numbers come the end of the month for his 4 month checkup- at least a growth spurt is a rewarding explanation that helps me justify losing my mind :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever heard of Wonder Weeks? I've never read the book (I think there is a book?), but have seen charts/diagrams of when 'they' occur. Here is a link to the idea:
    Anyway, it may just be another way to help Mom's stay sane through those moments - but whether its a growth spurt of a 'wonder week', luckily they are just phases! Hang in there. That late afternoon/early evening time can be the most trying. I even recently pinned something on Pinterest titled 'Conquering the Afternoon Demons'. haha. Everything seems to smooth out for me around 6 months old. <3 babies!! ;-D
