Dee dee deedledeedle dee dee... I have this little song stuck in my head as I envision the juggling act as a circus clown... Just when I think I have the act down pat, another ball/bowling pin/etc is thrown in to the mix. After surviving the weekend, and enjoying an unplanned extra day with Dave, and watching Nathan for a bit, then add in Kaely... well- almost survived. Then got the email from Kaely's teacher about issues at school- not to rat her out- but just made me stop and think about how things are going from her point of view. 6 1/2 years to herself with us all, and now she's jumping up and down trying to get our attention. I felt like total crap reading the email- it truly made me feel like a horrible mom, and how I need to make changes. Of course, that involves dedicating time specifically to Kaely, specifically to Dave (and I), specifically to Chase, and if any time is left over- well- hell, specifically to just me. Problem is, that it's hard to turn away and focus on just one thing at a time- and that's the same problem Kaely is having- focusing. Shocking, I know. But, at least I can try to tackle these things now while it's still early (I Hope!). Maybe plan on staying a good portion of the summer down south while school is out, while we figure out the plan for moving (or not)... make a beach vacation, and try to find the energy to truly spend quality time with everyone.
In the meantime, I just go through the motions, keep on juggling, strap on the seatbelt for the roller coaster that is our life! Once again, I send out cudos to moms with all these kids! It's a balancing act that I just haven't been able to master yet- maybe by the time their adults I'll get it down :)
A few photos from the past days as I've been slacking
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