So, my little starlet, being awarded the "Starburst Award" -for the future of being a future Hollywood star :)
A journey of a baby who is too impatient to wait and too stubborn to give up. The diary of the trials & tribulations his adventure brings us.
Chase's Journey
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Starburst Award
Today's attention goes to Kaely... who, for the past 5 months has been a bit out of the spotlight- a first for her. So, for her end-of-the-year party they were doing a themed Candy Awards and (orange) carpet event. When we got the instructions to "dress in their most fancy clothing" and that "nothing will be too much"- well, we had to run with it. Kaely opted against the feather boa since it itches- but, I altered one of my dresses to fit her, lent her earrings, a sparkly bracelet, and twisted her hair up last night after her shower so it curled today. What can I say? She had a lot of drama to live up to- couldn't let them down :)
So, my little starlet, being awarded the "Starburst Award" -for the future of being a future Hollywood star :)
So, my little starlet, being awarded the "Starburst Award" -for the future of being a future Hollywood star :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Happy 5 Months!
Wow time is flying! 5 months ago today my life changed again...Chase is growing like crazy- pushing 25", somewhere between 14-16 lbs (if I had to guess), and 41cm head circ... he's devouring all kinds of foods now, rewarded me with the laughs, and teasing me still with sitting on his own and rolling over. I swear this kid will sit by himself before he'll roll over- out of sheer amusement to driving me nuts. The sleeping through the night part is still strange, but welcome, and not feeling so scared about going out into public is nice. Both for the germ reasons and his unpredictable moods. I've pretty much packed up all his clothes smaller than "6 months" size, and am starting to look at size 3 diapers... His eyes are still the gorgeous deep baby blue that he'll hold onto until he decides what color he'll sport for the rest of his life, but he's so stinkin' cute I don't mind. Hair is filling back in- darker brown with a few blonde highlights in the sun it seems. I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight, although can't say I'm in shape yet- oh well :) Our days just fly by anymore, even though it feels we haven't done much- lol... but he is such a blessing and joy!
We'll be celebrating Kaely being out of school for the summer next week, so enjoying the quiet while we can... hoping for some creeping/rolling/crawling soon so it's easier for playtime. Good stuff though!
We'll be celebrating Kaely being out of school for the summer next week, so enjoying the quiet while we can... hoping for some creeping/rolling/crawling soon so it's easier for playtime. Good stuff though!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Oh! The Smell!!!
Okay, I knew it was coming, I am not technically a rookie, but for a parent's sanity, we forget things... one of those things was the smell of diapers once a baby eats something other than breastmilk. Seriously. When we first started doing taste testing here and there, it didn't seem to be a big deal. But as his appetite increases, and I give him cereal & fruit/veggies, the result is horrid. This isn't anything but the tip of the diaper iceberg either, because I know this is only the result of one serving a day- and already I'm gagging. The only thing worse would be if he was formula fed- blech!
I will say that my $5 Diaper Champ find (garage sale) was TOTALLY worth it, because fortunately it contains most of the smell without the headaches of the Diaper Genie. Anyone looking to have a baby- this is a must-have investment. Unless you live somewhere that you can dump your trash daily. Oh well- on the bright side, he loves trying new foods, and has no problem gaining weight so far. Fun stuff!
Giggle With Me!
Haha! We did it! Bathtime triggered a laugh I could catch :) Got another, just a couple minutes afterwards... sooooo stinkin' adorable! What can I say? I'm easy to please when it comes to the kiddos ;) Forgive my idiotic noises/voice, but hey- desperate to get the smiles & laughs brings out the goof in us... Oh- and hope no one suffers from motion sickness, since I was holding the camera with my left hand, had my right hand on him so he wouldn't slide too much, and was hiding my head behind the tub and popping up- well- no steady hand here!
Monday, May 28, 2012
So excited for our newest gift of the Exersaucer! It was a random, fortunate occurrence that led us to this much desired toy- but I'm stoked! When Kaely was a baby she LOVED this thing, and I credit it for her strength and walking so early ( 8 1/2 mths). So when we got a chance to see some of our relatives, and play with all their toys ( their little girl is 18 mths), we got to see how he'd react. Turns out, they insisted they were looking to get rid of it anyway- so we went home with it. I cannot tell you how excited I was (although I feel much indebted!). So after the usual chaos of having cookouts at the house yesterday (self-induced, I tend to chain myself to the kitchen- kind of a sweet torture- love to cook, but more than a little OCD about making sure it all comes out), we had to wait a day to try out the newest toy until today. Since Chase is still on the younger age/size for the toy, of course this just goes for a few minutes at a time, and we put the blankets under him so his feet touch, and shove a blanket around him in the seat to help support him... but woah- look at all the toys on there! and the sounds! I see the future, and this is going to be my lifesaver! I hate having him on his back all the time for playtime, and well, tummy time is still torturous for him. He loves to sit on the couch because he can check everything out. The bouncy seat works pretty well while I'm in the kitchen, but since he's heavier, he's half laying in that now too. So this is an awesome way to let him play and interact sitting/standing straight up. Wahooo!
Also, I succeeded the other day in literally handing over Chase, a bib, and baby food to Dad, and heading to the store solo. Me being me, well, I know I hover and worry about making sure things are being done "right" - but they did pretty darn good... latest to try? Sweet potatoes- yum!
Ahhhh, and Dad got to witness first-hand the genuine laugh... Still no luck on getting him to do it on cue for me to snag it on video, but we were watching a tv show Friday night, Chase was passed out on Dad's chest, and we were talking about something we were watching, when out of nowhere burst this laugh. We both looked at each other for a second I think before it registered where it came from. Ha! Of course he must've been dreaming, because that was all we got, and he never so much as woke up, but still precious! Soon! I swear I'll capture it :)
Also, I succeeded the other day in literally handing over Chase, a bib, and baby food to Dad, and heading to the store solo. Me being me, well, I know I hover and worry about making sure things are being done "right" - but they did pretty darn good... latest to try? Sweet potatoes- yum!
Ahhhh, and Dad got to witness first-hand the genuine laugh... Still no luck on getting him to do it on cue for me to snag it on video, but we were watching a tv show Friday night, Chase was passed out on Dad's chest, and we were talking about something we were watching, when out of nowhere burst this laugh. We both looked at each other for a second I think before it registered where it came from. Ha! Of course he must've been dreaming, because that was all we got, and he never so much as woke up, but still precious! Soon! I swear I'll capture it :)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Still Trying!
Ever since we got the couple quick giggles the other day, it's been my mission to get a repeat performance- and catch it on tape. So far? No luck... but- considering I have recorded hours of attempts, I figured I'd throw a few seconds of goofiness on :)
Starting to really try lots of foods now- well, the fruits anyway- going to finish up the last of the fruits and move on to squash, sweet potatoes, etc... but he's definitely realized that it's kinda nice getting some solids! I mix a bit of the rice cereal in with the fruit, still only doing one serving a day- but it mixes it up. He definitely isn't getting any smaller! The past week I think he's nearly slept through every night- this morning he slept until 6:50am, all the way through the night. I woke up slightly in pain (nursing moms), and took me a second to realize the sun was up and he was just then squirming. Very nice! Kind of getting into our new routine of being up most the day- strange, but love it!
(Pink Floyd onesie- hehee)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I swear- after hearing Ollie's story about giggles, I have been that much more determined to hear some of our own (and I swear I'm not trying to be competitive! lol). Just when I least expected it today, after a long afternoon, I was mimicking Chase's random noises, when all of a sudden he laughed at me- not just his screeches- but a genuine laugh! I burst out laughing and fell back on the bed - then sat up real quick to make sure I didn't scare him- so he laughed again. AWESOME! I made some more faces and got another quick laugh- so I decided to run to the other room to grab the video camera- I HAD to get this on tape! UGH. 30+ minutes of recording, and nothing. BLAH. Was hoping to share- but for now- I'll take it!
Monday, May 21, 2012
The Mom Song
Hahahaha... Kaely wrote a song for me- and Chase decided to be her backup singer... LOL
Renewed Perspective- Date Night Edition
Yep- finally made it out for our first date night since waaaaay before having Chase. This was NOT easy for me to finally follow through leaving him- even for a short time. What did make it easier was that I pushed dinner reservations back to where I was able to give Chase an early bath and get him settled in for bedtime. So we didn't miss much "awake" time. We didn't have any real plans in the works- but my sister made it clear that we were not to return before 4 hours. She reassured me by agreeing to send photos and updates- buttttt.... still. Hard to believe it had been about a year since Dave and I had actually had a night to go out and enjoy a glass of wine and be able to eat seared tuna and not stress about food restrictions or other pregnancy or baby-in-a-restaurant-and-crying issues :)
Not gonna lie, it took some time to actually relax, not inhale the food, and stop checking my phone. First part of the perspective was people watching (a favorite past-time of ours), and ad-libbing conversations at tables of other people. Since we laid the ground rule of not talking about Chase, our family, work, or the "move"- it seemed to eliminate a lot of what we talk about now. LOL. Not saying we were able to stick to it- but we tried- our life really does revolve around Chase now. Kaely is there too- but she's so much more self-reliant, that we don't worry as much.
Being able to take small bites and not scarf down the food was another issue. I'm so used to either eating with one hand, or hurrying up before Chase becomes demanding, it really was the first time I've eaten a full meal without worrying about him at that moment. I will say it was absolutely delicious! But stretching the time out needs some work. We finished dinner with more than 2 hours left of our "4 hour reverse curfew"- and where as we might go scope out crazy places in the past years- I felt the need to stick close. So we wandered over to Starbucks to grab some coffee, then went across the street to a wine bar that had a live Jazz band- which was awesome.
However- this is where the reality check really came into play. We sat there on the couch sipping a glass of wine, and listening to the band, when I looked around us and realized that we were sitting in a 40-50 yr old age demographic- not that there's anything wrong with that! LOL. But just went, crap, we're getting old. Continuing our conversation inserts- I was laughing at the guy drinking an appletini- when up walks a couple of Dave's friends. This was ironic because they live down in South Florida now- and here they were up here- go figure. Normally I'd be cranky about the interruption, but for the sake of entertainment I figured okay... The lifestyle differences between us all became abundantly clear when stories of "driving the new Lamborghini up," (which of course Dave had to sit in), and the latest trip to Vegas, going out on the boat, or other adventures of the single & well-off were told. Reminded me of an old friend of ours who used to say that when he saw a child he thought of it as a yacht or car or house (clearly someone who never intended to have children). We tried to hang out for a short time, but the gap of reality yawned wide and I felt like a true outsider looking in. So detached from what paths each of us chose over the years- what really do you have left in common?
While I do have a love of cars/planes/boats- purely because I love speed & adventure- I still view those flashy cars as a bit of "over-compensation" if you will. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for my children- and no- I don't wish that was us driving the flashy car or taking wild trips and partying it up. The best part of the night was coming home and holding Chase. I loved being able to spend time with just Dave again for a short time- but you know- I am okay with staying in and renting movies and cooking dinner together. Sure, it's not glamorous- but I think that our happiness and contentment with our life (minus the distance of where to live), far surpasses the single life of those we know who are always chasing the dream...
So I sit here on a Monday with a slobbering, chunky, baby boy on my chest- planning what meals I may whip up this week, and when to pick up Kaely from school... laughing a bit at the randomness that our lives have brought us and changed us for it... See? For me- the boys out walking, showing off their shades, is better than anything money could provide superficially. I am pretty darn lucky, don't you think?
Motion Pictures
I haven't posted any videos lately, so I figured I'd put a few up- photos don't usually do him justice when considering how many different expressions, noises, etc he makes.
This is how he nearly wants to roll over, but just makes use of twisting around to see what he wants. I sit there and try to coach him- like come ON already! We spread a quilt on the floor a lot now, that way he has all the room to do what he wants. It is fun to see him really reaching for his toys and interacting now though...
Then we have the noises- hahaha... the past week or two he's been really experimenting with his sounds. He makes the noises then kind of looks surprised, like where did that come from??? When he's upset he tends to form sounds like "daddaadadada" - or other vowel/consonant sounds. We'll see what word he finally speaks first with consistency- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for mama ;)
A ton of other videos we have, but I'm holding out for those darn milestones already... ugh! Patience is not a virtue I possess :)
Bath Blunders
Sometime last week as I was changing Chase's diaper, I really noticed for the first time how chunky his legs really are. Not only that, but worse than his neck, it is truly a trap for disgusting hidden wonders. I unraveled the folds only to find all sorts of smelly lint and such. GROSS. It made me think- CRAP! When did he really develop those crazy creases, and have I been slacking that badly on bathtime??? I mean, his neck is always a big place that I make sure to get, plus all those boy parts that are weird (okay- still getting used to the little boy differences- LOL). But his legs- his chunky little legs... soooooo- now I have expanded my checklist to his bathing routine.
Just saw a clip on a show I watch, and it was all about bathing an infant- haha. Things like making sure the water isn't too hot (I will say I tend to go warmer for Chase- now I'm wondering- but the kid would live in the water if I'd let him). Slippery little bugs that they are, I still find it nerve wracking trying to pick him up and wrap him in the towel- yes I did it with Kaely for years- but geez, as he gets heavier, it just makes me nervous some days. His infant tub has the sling in it, but he's in this inbetween size where he is too heavy to lay in it, so the bump that is there to help prop him to sitting ends up in his back. But trying to keep him sitting is nearly impossible. He arches his back, pushes himself up and backwards, creating a tidal wave, and refuses to sit still. He of course thinks it's hilarious. Sigh... so, I'm going to have to figure out another way around these challenges until he's strong enough to truly sit on his own- not too far down the road, but in the meantime... The more he eats "real food" the more baths we're going to have to incorporate into our days. Hehe... at least he makes me laugh!
Just saw a clip on a show I watch, and it was all about bathing an infant- haha. Things like making sure the water isn't too hot (I will say I tend to go warmer for Chase- now I'm wondering- but the kid would live in the water if I'd let him). Slippery little bugs that they are, I still find it nerve wracking trying to pick him up and wrap him in the towel- yes I did it with Kaely for years- but geez, as he gets heavier, it just makes me nervous some days. His infant tub has the sling in it, but he's in this inbetween size where he is too heavy to lay in it, so the bump that is there to help prop him to sitting ends up in his back. But trying to keep him sitting is nearly impossible. He arches his back, pushes himself up and backwards, creating a tidal wave, and refuses to sit still. He of course thinks it's hilarious. Sigh... so, I'm going to have to figure out another way around these challenges until he's strong enough to truly sit on his own- not too far down the road, but in the meantime... The more he eats "real food" the more baths we're going to have to incorporate into our days. Hehe... at least he makes me laugh!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Entertainment Beyond Baby Gear
As parents, we invest a lot into obtaining the latest & greatest baby gear that's out there... don't get me wrong, the bouncy seat for us is invaluable- at least for me to be able to cook, shower, or eat :) But as I discovered (and clearly have forgotten) with Kaely, I could (and can) save a ton of money because what they really want to play with are things that belong to us parents or are basic tools around the house. For Kaely, it's always been anything and everything in the kitchen- pots, pans, spoons, etc. Or, more so, my shoes. I catch her in my closet constantly, stealing my shoes and clopping around the house. This has gone on since... just over 1 year old? Maybe 2. Sadly she's starting to actually fit into them- that's just scary.
So, Chase's "Growth Spurt" this week has seemed to be more developmental and strength related. All of a sudden yesterday he was awake all day. I mean, truly, all day. He took two 10 minute naps, but did not sleep until Dad held him around 6 when I went to the store. So about 1 1/2 hours nap between 7 am and 9 pm- I was stumped. That also meant lots of required entertaining of the baby. The burp cloths serve lots of purposes- from his constant spitting up (the child eats a ton- and clearly over-eats), to almost being a "blankie" that he holds and chews on, to playing peek-a-boo. Very effective for a good 15 minutes (LOL). Then we have sitting him on the couch. Sounds random- but he loves this more than his bouncy seat (he hates the swing), more than the entertainment mats, etc because he can see what's going on at our level, and maybe because he feels like a "big boy?" My favorite discovery last night, was how he loves to look at the laptop (ugh!), and is intrigued by faces/people... so I realized, duh! I turned the webcam on (not on record), and voila! He is highly entertained by the baby that interacts with him on the computer. Haha! Side bonus? We work on core strength as he sits up to do it.
I have been shocked this week as he has shown he can sit up (for short periods) on his own, holding just my fingers. He is nearly there working on rolling over (he was so near these milestones months ago- but the heavier he gets, the harder it seems to be), he keeps twisting around checking everything out around him. Already mentioned his backwards scooting transportation methods. Showing real interest in solids now- I'm starting to wonder if I can keep up with his demands, so it's good timing. His curiosity continues to grow. Last night he slept all night, He fell asleep- on his own- around 9pm, then didn't wake up until a bit after 6am to eat. Granted, I was in some pain, but holy crap! :)
So- yes, I'm in another stage of being amazed and awed by our little boy who is growing insanely fast! As my sister mentioned yesterday- it seems he skipped a full month of growing- went from being small and behind, to bigger than his cousin, and now in 6 month size clothes! I am still working on wrapping my mind around it- but I'll just keep grinning and bragging in the meantime :)
So, Chase's "Growth Spurt" this week has seemed to be more developmental and strength related. All of a sudden yesterday he was awake all day. I mean, truly, all day. He took two 10 minute naps, but did not sleep until Dad held him around 6 when I went to the store. So about 1 1/2 hours nap between 7 am and 9 pm- I was stumped. That also meant lots of required entertaining of the baby. The burp cloths serve lots of purposes- from his constant spitting up (the child eats a ton- and clearly over-eats), to almost being a "blankie" that he holds and chews on, to playing peek-a-boo. Very effective for a good 15 minutes (LOL). Then we have sitting him on the couch. Sounds random- but he loves this more than his bouncy seat (he hates the swing), more than the entertainment mats, etc because he can see what's going on at our level, and maybe because he feels like a "big boy?" My favorite discovery last night, was how he loves to look at the laptop (ugh!), and is intrigued by faces/people... so I realized, duh! I turned the webcam on (not on record), and voila! He is highly entertained by the baby that interacts with him on the computer. Haha! Side bonus? We work on core strength as he sits up to do it.
I have been shocked this week as he has shown he can sit up (for short periods) on his own, holding just my fingers. He is nearly there working on rolling over (he was so near these milestones months ago- but the heavier he gets, the harder it seems to be), he keeps twisting around checking everything out around him. Already mentioned his backwards scooting transportation methods. Showing real interest in solids now- I'm starting to wonder if I can keep up with his demands, so it's good timing. His curiosity continues to grow. Last night he slept all night, He fell asleep- on his own- around 9pm, then didn't wake up until a bit after 6am to eat. Granted, I was in some pain, but holy crap! :)
So- yes, I'm in another stage of being amazed and awed by our little boy who is growing insanely fast! As my sister mentioned yesterday- it seems he skipped a full month of growing- went from being small and behind, to bigger than his cousin, and now in 6 month size clothes! I am still working on wrapping my mind around it- but I'll just keep grinning and bragging in the meantime :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
A Whole Bunch of Nothing
Pretty much what describes the week now... aside from the typical chaos of watching two infants and a high energy 1st grader. AH! Not a whole lot of updates... Still working on milestones such as rolling over- which actually he's been making a lot of progress today as he keeps twisting to look at what is beyond his head... soon I hope! We've tried apples, pears, bananas, and peaches now- his favorite (go figure) is the bananas- loves them! Still only feeding an ounce or two of the food a day though- just enough to play with flavors- still relying 95% on breastfeeding. But he is gaining weight steadily- that's for sure! His strength increases daily- no longer worried about his bobble head, and he's been able to sit for a minute by just holding onto my fingers- crazy! He's been rebelling against tummy time- he just lays there and either stares at me, or falls asleep- refusing to move. UGH! He does scoot around all over (if I let him) on his back- lifts his butt high in the air and launches himself backwards. It's great until diaper changing time- then? Good luck!!! Either way- things are good, just going through the days and losing track of time :)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!
First, a Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there- and now all the grand-mamas and aunts and everyone who has an impact in our lives. I am twice blessed to be a mama to the best two kids ever! (Even if they drive me batty)... My hubby is stacking up the points for Father's Day- Dave and Kaely had the surprises lined up this morning- even if Chase helped by making sure everyone was up by 7am (really???). Started with breakfast in bed (served on a baking sheet-hahahaha), complete with OJ, coffee, oranges, grapefruit, cinnamon rolls, bacon and eggs- oh my! Delicious! (Just don't look at the kitchen!). Kaely made a "scroll" for me- complete with the things she loves about me, and what I help her do. I got a new charm for my bracelet - reminds me of a candy heart with "Best Mom" on it. One of my favorites though was the classroom cookbook- absolutely hilarious. Each child contributed their favorite recipe- and her teacher typed what the believed the ingredients were, how much, how long, etc- awesome. Then on the opposite page was a real recipe for what they mentioned... too cute! Chase and Dad got flowers, and Kaely painted the frames for me... overall- best Mother's Day ever! We got to go see our moms as well, and made it home in time before we had full out meltdowns from our little man. Finished off the night with ordering pizza- what a way to end the day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
What A Character!
Literally... over the course of the past few months, Chase has acquired quite a few nicknames and character comparisons. Just for laughs... we have:
Thanks to my sister- she has used the term "Squishy" -compliments of Finding Nemo:
Then, we go waaaaay back to the tv show Dinosaurs... The baby is soooooo Chase:
Of course we have Rug Rats... Chase is Tommy Pickles, Nathan is Chuckie, and of course Kaely is Angelica... ha!
Who else? Ahhhh- I'll go back to my Stewie clip...
and my original Finding Nemo clip- is Squirt- the baby sea turtle... Chase's little face reminds me of him :)
I'm sure I'll come up with more over the months & years, but had to have a bit of fun with it :) Maybe one day he'll inspire a cartoon or book himself :)
Thanks to my sister- she has used the term "Squishy" -compliments of Finding Nemo:
Then, we go waaaaay back to the tv show Dinosaurs... The baby is soooooo Chase:
Of course we have Rug Rats... Chase is Tommy Pickles, Nathan is Chuckie, and of course Kaely is Angelica... ha!
Who else? Ahhhh- I'll go back to my Stewie clip...
I'm sure I'll come up with more over the months & years, but had to have a bit of fun with it :) Maybe one day he'll inspire a cartoon or book himself :)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
A Weekend Escape
Okay... so it wasn't that far from the apartment down in Miami, but still- anytime you can have room service and housekeeping come in is appreciated! I'm not gonna lie, being able to wake up, put Chase in a stroller, and walk across the street to a Starbucks is a wonderful morning :) To top off the morning was a long overdue massage....
***Let me clarify that I began writing this post yesterday morning- and as it would be, chaos that is our baby boy prevented me from finishing this. LOL.
First, I'll say mini escapes are absolutely necessary for everyone. However, what comes with that are reality checks- and what made up our mini escapes a year ago are absolutely nothing like what they are here and now. As long as you hold on to those memories, and expect to go through the same carefree, relaxing, and crazy time- you may face disappointment. But... if you embrace a different atmosphere, a chance to stare and play with the crazy baby somewhere else, and sneak in moments of good food and ambiance, then maybe you can truly enjoy yourself. This is a lesson I'm still working on learning. I was bummed this weekend- it was a nice, even wonderful weekend- but it was most definitely not what I had set up in my mind.
In the end though, I had both my boys, gorgeous weather, pretty great food, and a little bit of down time. We have survived another round of flights- which is amazing. I feel a little bad for the gentleman next to us on the plane, because let's face it- it's either I nurse Chase before we take off, or everyone can listen to him cry. I opted for the former. Nothing like sharing pictures of grandchildren while Chase is under the blanket eating away. Ha!
In any case, it appears I've hit the point that I'll be posting less frequently- simply because the days blur together and sometimes I fall asleep on the couch and awaken wondering what day and time it is.
Well- here are some pics from this weekend, sorry so late!
Our balcony with the hot tub- no Chase didn't get to play in it ;)
Dad & Chase watching the playoffs... go figure
Ice Cream!!!
I love how unique all the accents of the hotel are... this was our room this time
The only way to eat now- find a restaurant with a sidewalk patio- leave him in the stroller- he either plays or sleeps the whole time- it works!
Too stinkin' cute :)
***Let me clarify that I began writing this post yesterday morning- and as it would be, chaos that is our baby boy prevented me from finishing this. LOL.
First, I'll say mini escapes are absolutely necessary for everyone. However, what comes with that are reality checks- and what made up our mini escapes a year ago are absolutely nothing like what they are here and now. As long as you hold on to those memories, and expect to go through the same carefree, relaxing, and crazy time- you may face disappointment. But... if you embrace a different atmosphere, a chance to stare and play with the crazy baby somewhere else, and sneak in moments of good food and ambiance, then maybe you can truly enjoy yourself. This is a lesson I'm still working on learning. I was bummed this weekend- it was a nice, even wonderful weekend- but it was most definitely not what I had set up in my mind.
In the end though, I had both my boys, gorgeous weather, pretty great food, and a little bit of down time. We have survived another round of flights- which is amazing. I feel a little bad for the gentleman next to us on the plane, because let's face it- it's either I nurse Chase before we take off, or everyone can listen to him cry. I opted for the former. Nothing like sharing pictures of grandchildren while Chase is under the blanket eating away. Ha!
In any case, it appears I've hit the point that I'll be posting less frequently- simply because the days blur together and sometimes I fall asleep on the couch and awaken wondering what day and time it is.
Well- here are some pics from this weekend, sorry so late!
Our balcony with the hot tub- no Chase didn't get to play in it ;)
Dad & Chase watching the playoffs... go figure
Ice Cream!!!
I love how unique all the accents of the hotel are... this was our room this time
The only way to eat now- find a restaurant with a sidewalk patio- leave him in the stroller- he either plays or sleeps the whole time- it works!
On our honeymoon last year.... Chase this year... LOL
Too stinkin' cute :)
Friday, May 4, 2012
Bravery or Stupidity?
Long overdue to write, but been a really long week! Had a full day of doctor's appointments Monday (including Kaely), so both kids were tired and not feeling well. Tuesday we had Nathan over, and both boys were recovering from their boosters. By the time my sister got back around 6ish, I was ready to fall over. Wednesday Chase had another doctor's appointment, by the time I dropped off Kaely at school, it was nearly time to turn around and wait in the line to get her in order to be at the doctor's appointment in time. The office was the worst nightmare. Full of screaming kids throwing things and banging toys- which led to Chase screaming in my ear for an hour. Sigh... Waited 90+ minutes just to have the doctor look at him for 60 seconds and say, okay- see you in 4 months. UGH!
This led to yesterday- Thursday- had Nathan again, and in trying to prepare for heading out this weekend, had a million things to do. So- my first attempt to bring both boys out in public (aside from walking to school)... hahaha... definitely interesting. Almost like those timed shopping sprees- trying to race around to get what needs to get done, done. Got a lot of confused looks, oh, there's two... you know, the usual :) lol. But amazingly they both were pretty good- although I can't say I'd recommend doing it on a regular basis!
Today we are running around trying to make sure I don't forget anything- have to tackle the task of looking human again (ha! easier said than done). Oh well- otherwise just more days in paradise! Going to miss my baby girl while we're gone this weekend, things have been a lot better since I shifted my focus and tried to do better at splitting my attention. She's been a big help with the boys- they love looking at her and all the silly faces she makes.
Praying for a good flight tonight, and a peaceful baby! One can dream, right?
This led to yesterday- Thursday- had Nathan again, and in trying to prepare for heading out this weekend, had a million things to do. So- my first attempt to bring both boys out in public (aside from walking to school)... hahaha... definitely interesting. Almost like those timed shopping sprees- trying to race around to get what needs to get done, done. Got a lot of confused looks, oh, there's two... you know, the usual :) lol. But amazingly they both were pretty good- although I can't say I'd recommend doing it on a regular basis!
Today we are running around trying to make sure I don't forget anything- have to tackle the task of looking human again (ha! easier said than done). Oh well- otherwise just more days in paradise! Going to miss my baby girl while we're gone this weekend, things have been a lot better since I shifted my focus and tried to do better at splitting my attention. She's been a big help with the boys- they love looking at her and all the silly faces she makes.
Praying for a good flight tonight, and a peaceful baby! One can dream, right?
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