So excited for our newest gift of the Exersaucer! It was a random, fortunate occurrence that led us to this much desired toy- but I'm stoked! When Kaely was a baby she LOVED this thing, and I credit it for her strength and walking so early ( 8 1/2 mths). So when we got a chance to see some of our relatives, and play with all their toys ( their little girl is 18 mths), we got to see how he'd react. Turns out, they insisted they were looking to get rid of it anyway- so we went home with it. I cannot tell you how excited I was (although I feel much indebted!). So after the usual chaos of having cookouts at the house yesterday (self-induced, I tend to chain myself to the kitchen- kind of a sweet torture- love to cook, but more than a little OCD about making sure it all comes out), we had to wait a day to try out the newest toy until today. Since Chase is still on the younger age/size for the toy, of course this just goes for a few minutes at a time, and we put the blankets under him so his feet touch, and shove a blanket around him in the seat to help support him... but woah- look at all the toys on there! and the sounds! I see the future, and this is going to be my lifesaver! I hate having him on his back all the time for playtime, and well, tummy time is still torturous for him. He loves to sit on the couch because he can check everything out. The bouncy seat works pretty well while I'm in the kitchen, but since he's heavier, he's half laying in that now too. So this is an awesome way to let him play and interact sitting/standing straight up. Wahooo!
Also, I succeeded the other day in literally handing over Chase, a bib, and baby food to Dad, and heading to the store solo. Me being me, well, I know I hover and worry about making sure things are being done "right" - but they did pretty darn good... latest to try? Sweet potatoes- yum!
Ahhhh, and Dad got to witness first-hand the genuine laugh... Still no luck on getting him to do it on cue for me to snag it on video, but we were watching a tv show Friday night, Chase was passed out on Dad's chest, and we were talking about something we were watching, when out of nowhere burst this laugh. We both looked at each other for a second I think before it registered where it came from. Ha! Of course he must've been dreaming, because that was all we got, and he never so much as woke up, but still precious! Soon! I swear I'll capture it :)
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