Wow time is flying! 5 months ago today my life changed again...Chase is growing like crazy- pushing 25", somewhere between 14-16 lbs (if I had to guess), and 41cm head circ... he's devouring all kinds of foods now, rewarded me with the laughs, and teasing me still with sitting on his own and rolling over. I swear this kid will sit by himself before he'll roll over- out of sheer amusement to driving me nuts. The sleeping through the night part is still strange, but welcome, and not feeling so scared about going out into public is nice. Both for the germ reasons and his unpredictable moods. I've pretty much packed up all his clothes smaller than "6 months" size, and am starting to look at size 3 diapers... His eyes are still the gorgeous deep baby blue that he'll hold onto until he decides what color he'll sport for the rest of his life, but he's so stinkin' cute I don't mind. Hair is filling back in- darker brown with a few blonde highlights in the sun it seems. I'm finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight, although can't say I'm in shape yet- oh well :) Our days just fly by anymore, even though it feels we haven't done much- lol... but he is such a blessing and joy!
We'll be celebrating Kaely being out of school for the summer next week, so enjoying the quiet while we can... hoping for some creeping/rolling/crawling soon so it's easier for playtime. Good stuff though!
I didn't realize Chase was almost exactly a month behind Ollie. Happy belated to both of you!