I haven't posted any videos lately, so I figured I'd put a few up- photos don't usually do him justice when considering how many different expressions, noises, etc he makes.
This is how he nearly wants to roll over, but just makes use of twisting around to see what he wants. I sit there and try to coach him- like come ON already! We spread a quilt on the floor a lot now, that way he has all the room to do what he wants. It is fun to see him really reaching for his toys and interacting now though...
Then we have the noises- hahaha... the past week or two he's been really experimenting with his sounds. He makes the noises then kind of looks surprised, like where did that come from??? When he's upset he tends to form sounds like "daddaadadada" - or other vowel/consonant sounds. We'll see what word he finally speaks first with consistency- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for mama ;)
A ton of other videos we have, but I'm holding out for those darn milestones already... ugh! Patience is not a virtue I possess :)
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