Since Dave & Chase were just laying around watching The Pink Panther on his phone, I had to agree that getting out of the house and at least being in town for the game was good for us!
So don the cap and off we go! A short brief tailgating before the game, and trying to endure the 90-something degree heat- ugh! The game fly-over happened as we were walking towards the stadium- crazy loud!
Oh, and Ben Griffin stadium is the only place I've ever seen charge an infant for the price of admission- even the airlines don't do that yet, really??? Whatever. It was still worth it to be in the stands and get him started young. The crowds and noises didn't faze him, at least until he fell asleep, then everytime the crowd cheered or announcer came on, it startled him... otherwise- a true champ!
LOVE IT!! I'm so jealous! Honestly I'm a Noles girl, but I would still love a day out with tailgating and football. And, Shut The font door... You had to pay for an infant??? Did he get a seat??? No way!?!