As uneventful as the past few days have been- we still have some humorous moments- including:
Shaving the dog- okay, this looks sowrong in so many ways, but not having her long hair floating around the house- and the end of summer to survive...
Then there is Chase who decided he doesn't feel like sitting up now- and rebels against the Boppy pillow my sister set beside him to try to help keep him propped up. He simply "shrimped" his way out of it. LOL.
AH- then the crazy boys attacking. Nathan is so "hands on" - and Chase just sits and observes him- until he comes flying at him trying to touch, whack, lick, whatever... lol. The two of them are clowns, I swear.
Lastly- the Nathan video- this kid gives Mick Jagger a run for his money on weirdo tongues... I thought it was strange when he was a newborn, but now? hahaha... very alien-like...
Yesterday was 94! My brain is melting.