Chase's Journey

Monday, September 10, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys

I think about this every time I see Chase & Dave together, or Dave & his brothers, or his dad & him, or brothers, or Chase... any of the mix makes me smile, shake my head, and go- Oh Boy!

I find it entertaining to watch Chase & Nathan developing this relationship too. It's so stinkin' different from girls. I never believed the differences to be as pronounced as they are. Honestly. Especially being a tomboy myself... but... boys are just wired differently- from birth. Insane. The hands-on- must-touch-everything-and-everyone - very physical, and bullish... oh! and the discovery of what lies within the diaper??? Hahaha... I just raise an eyebrow and look to Dave - saying- hey- this is your area of expertise as he gets older! (sorry Chase if you're reading this 20 years from now as I'm embarrassing you) ...

But- I am the ultimate double-standard, hypocritical, foot-in-my-mouth mother. I distinctly treat Chase differently than I ever have Kaely, and am already starting on the "stop babying him!" fight. As well as the "let him run his head into the leg of the table" (as he 'shrimps' backwards), or "teach him to fall on his own" (with a little padding behind him)- because I don't want a mama's boy, or a sissy boy, or a crybaby. Sorry. But I don't! I can't stand (no offense) guys who are overly sensitive (damn, I just jinxed myself here), or at 30+ years old have to run to mama because some hurt their feelings. Yes, there is a time and place for everything, but no! I want him to learn independence, strength, and how to roll with the punches. Hmmmmm- tough love anyone?

So, the experiment is the mix of Chase & Nathan together, seeing how nature vs. nurture, and all that good stuff plays out. Without fail, the boys always display their own personalities very strongly, and as they get older and bigger find new ways to interact :) Love it! We've got our hands full for the next decade or two...

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