Chase's Journey

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy 10 Months!

Wow, 1 year is just around the corner- hard to believe! He is into EVERYTHING! And eating EVERYTHING! I'm starting to really lean more and more towards "big people" food- and less towards "baby" food. He loves chicken, salmon, beef, whatever you can give him... all veggies, fruit, snacks, etc. I love this age when they aren't picky about food, and genuinely enjoy it!

He has 4 teeth through- 2 top, 2 bottom, and looks like the 2 on the bottom on either side of the center ones are starting to come through now too- not a break in sight!

With our first taste of cold weather, I'm scrambling over here. I was soooooo looking forward to fall weather, but we seemed to have gone straight from upper 80's to highs in the mid 60's today- and we're FREEZING! I haven't quite figured out what to do with Chase at night since we aren't quite prepared to turn on the heat (low's in the 40's)- since the house will maintain in the 70's with the windows shut (but we're used to the house being between 78-82), so trying to keep him warm overnight without letting him sleep with a blanket is a challenge... not sure how to do this yet.

Oh, also had a chance to be reminded just how much perspective I've lost on how big he is now... met Baby Braelynn yesterday- and holy cow! She's a good 7 lbs- so about twice the weight Chase once was- but I was dumbfounded at just how tiny she was... Then holding her, and getting to feed her, I was in awe. Makes me snuggle our little boy and beam with pride at how far he's come.

(baby Braelynn)

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