Chase's Journey

Monday, October 8, 2012

Worst Sound In The World- Updated

Many months ago I commented on "the worst sound in the world" (movie reference, Dumb and Dumber), but referring to my nephew's scream. UGH.

However, not to be outdone, Chase has found a sound far worse- and that happens to be thanks to his teeth. Grinding his teeth. Sure, reading it, it doesn't seem so bad- but sitting there hearing him doing it? OMG. Chills up my spine, and I immediately yell at him to stop. His mouth is all pucker in a way as he's doing it to those brand new top teeth... and he just looks at me all serious, cocks his head to the side, then smiles... and does it again.

I did research some, and apparently it's all common and not to be concerned about- that he's just trying to adjust to the feeling of the teeth and all, but man. It sucks.

Oh well, I also realized I needed to get on board with trying to brush his teeth/gums now- I mean, I guess we should've done it from the start with the other teeth- but- whoops. Just not something I thought about as I collapse into bed at night, exhausted from the day. We walked down the baby aisle looking for some food and lotion, when I saw our selection and remembered I'd been meaning to get him his own toothbrush & toothpaste. So I debated between the kind you slip on your finger or a regular- infant/toddler toothbrush. The thought of being bit made me lean towards the regular kind, and ultimately I held the packages up to Chase and let him decide :)

So brushing an infants teeth is more difficult than it seems, because all he wants to do is grab the brush and chew on the thing- but, hey, one step at a time :)

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