Chase's Journey

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Teething Tablets

Hello controversy.

The past couple weeks with Chase's top teeth coming in have been pretty rough- and waaaayyy slow-going compared to his bottom teeth, which seemed to break the gums overnight and that was it. This? A much longer process. So I decided to do the "teething tablet" route like I did with Kaely- and didn't think twice. Well, that's not true, when I saw the price tag I thought twice, three- four times... but ultimately I figured if they work, it's totally worth it.

Then, Dave mentioned how he seemed to act "loopy" (insert a couple different words there) within moments off taking them. Getting the giggles, constantly bending backwards to be upside-down, etc. At the after-babyshower-party, one of the girls took a look at the bottle and joked about the ingredients being a derivative of poppies (so to speak, lol)... so when Chase started acting "loopy" again Sunday night, I took a look at the ingredients myself. Noticed "belladonna" was listed, and it rang a faint bell, I just couldn't remember why. Turns out, it was in a movie, someone was poisoned with it. Hmmmm- definitely triggered some further digging. There are so many controversial reports on this stuff- and here it is as a recommended remedy for babies! So frustrating. I mean, it's been used as a sedative, for colic, for pain relief for sciatica, nerve pain, etc, etc, etc...

After doing more research, Hyland's (the manufacturer) states that their tablets contain 0.0000000000002 mg of Belladonna alkaloids (the part responsible for adverse effects) per tablet. Whereas medicinally prescribed Belladonna is upwards of 2-5 mg per dose- many thousands of times the amount. So, yes, accidental overdoses would have to be extreme (multiple bottles worth at once) to have a full dose- buuuuuttttt... if it's this minute, why bother putting it in? Just wondering....

That being said, I decided to ask our pediatrician (of 7 1/2 years) what her thoughts were (a little late for Kaely- sorry!), and she just kind of laughed. Not in a derogatory way, but that as long as used as intended, and if they work magic on Chase, to go for it. She said she still recommends Tylenol and such primarily- since homeopathic remedies can be a little inconsistent. Buuttt... I guess I will keep the tablets as my backup plan now. Still a little unsure- but, hey, grandparents used whiskey on the gums- and I know I don't agree with that. Orajel can be dangerous as well, complicating breathing and all... sooooo... crap.

Oh well.

As far as Chase's 9 month check-up weigh in- he's the same weight pretty much from the other day- about 18 1/2 lbs, and 27" long. He's still on the lower end of the growth charts- but consistent in his growth- obviously the kid is not under-nourished. His sister also had her 7 year checkup, and she was in the same - about average for height, and in the 'teens for weight. She's at 47 lbs and 48"- sadly that's only 13" away from my height- I am fairly confident that she will outgrow me by middle school :/ Hmmm.

Well, not many pics the past day or so, but did think this one at the doctor's office was kinda funny. I was trying to catch a pic while he was falling, holding onto the toy for dear life :)

1 comment:

  1. I have the same feeling about the tablets. I want to try them, buuuuuut... Def not doing orajel. I think is fabulous how well Chase has caught up and is growing. He certainly doesn't miss a meal! Which by the way, Everytime Zolove bites me (3 times on the past two days!) I think of you and Chases bloody mouth shot. Ollie has yet to draw blood...
