Chase's Journey

Friday, July 19, 2013

And They Just Won't Stop...

These kids are C-R-A-Z-Y!

Crazy-fun that is! Well, at least most the time :) I have been pleasantly surprised how much fun we've had the past week considering it's summer and we get cabin fever. However, the kids have found ways to have fun in the most unusual places and manners.

Such as Chase and the vacuum- honestly- him and this vacuum!

Or this poor toy stroller (once again)- they busted the wheel off it shortly after this was taken... BOYS!

Or the box that the ceiling fan came in- converted to an airplane...

Or later converted to a train... 

Or the dog leash on Sissy...

Or helping mom with chores...

Or waiting for the bread to finish baking...

and moving furniture throughout the house... or the darn box again- seriously- do NOT buy toys- just go to the store and pick up a free box!!!

And you can't forget summer treats best worn all over!

Never a dull moment!

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