Chase's Journey

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Back to Sleep

The safest position for an infant to sleep at night is on their backs... but what happens when they learn to roll over on their sides and stomachs? I thought of this overnight as I watched Chase scoot and wiggle until he had moved over several inches and turned on his side. I of course had to laugh at his stubborn determination, but then wondered what are you supposed to do? I guess I could swaddle and strap him down... but I don't see either of us getting much sleep then...

All is good, I can't wait to see how much he weighs in at next time, I feel he's been going through a growth spurt recently, as scaring me by sleeping more at night. We've actually had stretches of 4-plus hours the past couple nights, it is amazing!

In any case, hope everyone is enjoying a 3little day weekend, hope to get new photos up soon!

1 comment:

  1. just bc you asked... the word is, when they can get to their side/stomach themselves, they can stay there. it is advised to stop swaddling when they do flip to their stomach on their own since being swaddled and being on your stomach could be a hazzard. I LOVE swaddling. Love love love.
    And love reading your blog :) Sorry I've been a non-commenting lurker. I'll try to be better!
