Throughout months of bedrest I thought about all sorts of inventions that needed to be brought to life out of sheer necessity to survive being couch/bed-bound... now with the little man it's the same crazy ideas all over again. Technically I'm still stuck with the 10 pound weight limit and other physical restrictions, add on the whole- "I've got a sleeping/nursing baby on me and I just got comfortable" -and trying to do something as simple as grabbing the remote control that has just fallen to the floor becomes a physical challenge. LOL.
Think along the lines of "The Clapper"- which- I am seriously debating on purchasing, but how many appliances can I really attach it to? I've already taken advantage of the timer setting on the coffee maker- that's my inspiration to get out of bed in the morning- after I've hit snooze a few times. I envision "Bewitched" - wiggle my nose and my water is refilled! Or my cereal that is still sitting on the counter magically gets milk poured into it and floats over to my side table so I can actually eat breakfast. Or the dogs- oh geez- the dogs are able to walk themselves and have a portioned food dispenser (can't have one of those things made for cats, because they would gorge themselves and eat the entire bag if they could- then refer back to the walking issue). Oh- let's add in a chef too- because even a sandwich is a pain to make- and I do love to cook- but not for myself. Can't forget the chauffeur, someone who can sit in that hateful line at the school to pick up Kaely, and can make runs to the store for a Slurpee, or a pack of gum- stupid stuff that used to be simple. Oh- and most importantly a Stylist, because the idea of blow-drying/straightening my hair and putting on makeup is a monumental task I usually only do on Fridays before Dave comes home- LOL. I sit there and think how nice it would be to sit in a chair and sip on a nice beverage while someone does it for me. :)
Let me acknowledge we've had lots of family & friends offer their help- even to do half the stuff I'm whining about- so thank you. But in reality, no, I have to suck it up and do it myself, because otherwise what's left? Me sitting here staring at Chase all day- which I'd gladly do- but is not realistic. Plus, it is a big challenge everytime the schedule is interrupted when we have guests or have to go somewhere, and it takes hours or a full day to get him back to a normal/health eating & sleeping schedule- which is no good and stresses me out all the more. BLAH.
So I'll just sit here and daydream about all the items floating over to my spot on the couch, or me crossing my arms and nodding my head (I Dream of Jeanie) and am magically transported to another location (i.e., Miami???) without the stress of packing up the car... I'm just whining to whine- in reality things are quite wonderful once you look past the haze of exhaustion and elementary school induced colds (grrrrr). Hope everyone is having a great one as well!
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