Okay, a bit of vanity kicking in- and after my appointment with the doctor I am finally cleared of all restrictions- wahoo! To go along with that they had me step on the scale- gee thanks! I was kind of bummed to see I still have about 15+ pounds to go before I'm "back" - but at least I can be proactive about it. I know I have to take it easy getting back into things, but I'm so excited to try to get some energy and strength regained! So I guess this is my way of writing down my goal as a visual reminder & inspiration... the timeline? By our anniversary (March 25th)- I want to look beautiful & sexy- I keep looking at our honeymoon pictures and that is my driving force! We shall see...
First step accomplished? Walking to pick up Kaely at school yesterday gave a good solid walk. First downfall? Oreos and milk last night- hahaha...
Chase gets to enjoy the perks of me being more active- getting outside for long walks in the gorgeous weather for one. And hopefully a mommy who isn't as tired & cranky anymore...
Chase is starting to engage more in eye contact and being aware of us- and starting to make some really funny noises on top of some cooing... is it bad I start cracking up when he gets downright impatient & indignant when he's hungry? He squeals and screeches, and it's just really entertaining- sorry :) For now he's snoozing- he's been up most of the morning- but starting to fill out the newborn clothes!
you go girl! you'll be back there in no time!