Chase's Journey

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Postpartum Myths...

I had to laugh listening to my sister complaining about being pregnant the other day, and all the things she can't wait to no longer deal with as soon as the baby is born... so I figured for the sake of realistic expectations (and laughs) I'd dispel those myths...

Things she looks forward to being rid of:

  1. Swelling & Bloating - hahaha... okay, perhaps I don't have as much as I did before, but with raging & adjusting hormones trying to overtake my body once again, your intestines and everything else are still out of wack- and as you (my sister) heard me complaining the other day, the pain of gas & bloating still exist almost like the first trimester of pregnancy. UGH
  2. Eat what I want! - see previous post about all the restrictions they recommend on when you nurse- seriously, I think it's almost worse than when I was pregnant, because at least when he was in utero, I never noticed if he was screaming & gassy from broccoli or too much dairy... granted, I do thoroughly enjoy having lunchmeat & sushi again.
  3. Exercise & get back in shape - I couldn't wait! Now at 5+weeks postpartum, I'm still waiting on my doctor's appointment to get the go-ahead to even be able to walk briskly or lift over 10 lbs again. It's almost like being on bed rest still. I feel like such a bum!
  4. Sleep- she seriously said this- hahahaha... okay, this was before she stayed over and may realize how it is to wake up every 2-3 hours, then have to stay up at least 15-30 minutes each time to nurse/change diapers/etc. Yes, the idea of not having to pee every hour is wonderful, but at least you can sleepwalk to the bathroom and be back to sleep in a matter of minutes. 
  5. Not be such a *&$#!- okay, we know most pregnant ladies are a little nuts- and we deserved to be- but I think I've shown more temper and attitude postpartum than I ever did pregnant- and largely because it's about being overprotective (and over-exhausted) of baby boy... 
  6. Get rid of maternity clothes! - I was so ready for this, especially living in Florida, most of the clothes I bought early in pregnancy were geared for "winter" and I never ended up wearing most. I did pack up a ton to try to sell to the consignment/2nd hand shop- which they kindly declined as being "out of season" but to keep and try again at the end of the year- UGH. But more-so, I still am wearing maternity jeans when I'm not wearing pajamas and yoga pants, and thanks to the enormous milk-makers, most of my pre-preggo shirts are too short. Not cool... sooooo- a lot of that maternity stuff is still lingering... 
  7. Sleeping on my stomach again! -Once again, another myth, because unless you aren't nursing, there's no way you can sleep on your stomach without leaking & pain... not to mention those lovely nights of engorgement that make even sleeping on your side painful... seriously??? 
  8. Lastly- the departure of "preggo brain"- I think it's even worse now, because at least before I could sleep to some degree, but adding in exhaustion to the distractions of juggling a newborn with other responsibilities around the home, then the still overwhelming hormones and all that craziness- yeah... I still forget what I walked into the other room for, completely forgot that I hadn't eaten breakfast yet yesterday, for more than 2 hours, forgot that people were coming over, have forgotten for almost a month to call/mail in the jury duty excuse request, etc, etc, etc... sigh... 
No matter what, all these things are worth the little bundle of joy of course- and I know these things will eventually pass/fade- but had to laugh as we sat there for a full day comparing the 38+weeks pregnancy with the 5 weeks postpartum, and how there isn't a whole lot of difference yet... 

Chase has been continuing to hang out more and more being alert & awake, so we've started playing around with the bouncy seat, swing, and trying to do more "tummy time" exercising. Developmentally he's still stuck between the preemie time-tables and regular newborn ones, but he's continuing to grow and thrive like a champ! 

Here is dad & him snoozing- I am sooooo jealous! 

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