Chase's Journey

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Being "Me"

I have taken the role of being "Mom" very seriously- especially since Chase has arrived. But in the meantime, that has sometimes meant putting old hobbies, habits, career paths, etc on the back burner. I am so grateful I am able to do that to be "Mom"- but there are days I miss those other roles dearly.

So today I had the opportunity to help our friends- Uncle (Boobies) Wade and Aunt Heather- paint their baby girl's nursery (due in November). It was so nice to feel useful again- to let Dave play with Chase and take care of him most of the day, while I was able to be physically involved in things. We completed the nursery and worked on an accent wall in their living room- which is so fun to see the changes and results of putting in the work. I can't wait until their baby shower- the gift I have for them has been here for the past month, so seeing how it may fit into the nursery makes me happy :)

Then on top of my productive day, I got to see Ju-Lee & the girls to pass along their quilt I had put together. Her girls were given the quilt blocks for a friendship quilt, so all I did was put the second one together... honestly, I feel bad now because when I did the quilt months ago, I was still getting back into the sewing routine, so I know it couldn't have been anywhere near as great as I'd like... but to see the girls get excited made it all worthwhile. I think I need to do something fun for them just for the heck of it!

I have so many random creative projects in my mind that I need to just do them! If for no other reason than to try to remember "me" and work towards being a whole person- not just a one-dimensional woman. Ahhhhh- I want to make sure to be the best example possible for Kaely and Chase, and give them reason and support to chase their own dreams, and believe anything is possible.

Today was a big step towards remembering who I am- not who I was- and trying to hold on to rebuilding that... in the meantime, I'll let Chase stay in the driver's seat to bring on the smiles :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Is am desperate to feel whole. You are so naturally talented... I have no doubt you can make a living out of your creativity.
