Chase's Journey

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of Second Grade

Sorry Chase, but this post is more for your sister :)

I couldn't wait for school to be back in- the pressure is off for entertaining, the slew of failed playdates, the whining about boredom. So, somehow now, summer is over, and school is back in. Kaely entered into 2nd grade- really? Can that be possible? The fanfare associated with the "first day" wasn't exactly there, I mean, she's a seasoned pro now, right? But it still meant trying to figure out how to coordinate our walker/biker situation with getting her bike to school so she can ride home on Mondays, or finding out she had homework due for the first day (figured it out an hour before school started), or this afternoon ended up being a huge mix up somehow, leaving me standing around for a good 20 minutes as it turns out she was in the car-rider group, although she should've been a walker/biker. UGH! It was super humid hot (Florida August), so it was rough, but all in all, we survived :)

The routine of everything is a whole other story though. All of a sudden going from waking up a bit earlier, to trying to run errands and tackle all that while she's in school, in time to walk to pick her up, then start to do the after-school routine of homework/snack/dinner, then usual house stuff and all... well- I'm beat!!!

Even with some of the minor hiccups today though, I'm so glad she's back in school- and still wrapping my head around her ability to read, write, and do all those crazy grown up things :) Just a reminder of how fast time flies...

Chase was super-happy to have her back this afternoon though- no one can quite entertain like Miss Grace...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. 2nd grade. Love the pic of the school. Takes me back. Florida schools are... Different. Up north they are all indoors like a shopping mall. I bet Chase was excited to see her! Ollie squeals now when one of us comes home from being away. I love it!
