This is an average 30 second time span of moods:
And my attempt to increase his solids? Hahaha- backfired in my face. Currently he doesn't want anything to do with solids- just presses his lips tight and shakes his head. WHAT ON EARTH??? This has become his "thing"- largely because it makes us laugh I think. But he shakes his head at everything... ahhhh- can't wait until he vocalizes "no!"
Now to face the walls of the apartment as the storms are rolling in, and driving us out of the park. Poor Kaely... no kids showed up since it's been threatening to rain all morning, so it seems we walked over here in vain. Gotta love Florida summers!!! I pray Kaely will be entertained with movies and coloring, and Chase with toys and food- otherwise it'll be three crying, cranky beings in a very small space :)
Serenity Now!!
Lol. I'm sorry, but the 30 second shift is classic! Sorry about the solids. He wont even eat fruit of the mesh thing?