Chase's Journey

Monday, August 13, 2012

What Would Have Been 6 Months...

Yesterday was what would have been Chase's 6 month birthday according to his due date- either way, it's been a year that has flown by at a rapidly increasing rate of speed. I have to laugh at his smirks, scowls, sly s*$# eating grins, and all the crazy ways he mimicks both mom & dad... all the way down to the way he sleeps.... 
 On the bright side, we finally made it to the beach- well, Chase & I, and got to stick our toes in the sand, and dip our feet in the water- man it was nice! If I had more confidence in the sunblock I would have liked to have made a day of it. Dave got to experience how incredibly heavy he is now- there's no way I'd use that carrier anymore! Who needs a gym? Just walk around the apartment vicinity with Chase strapped on...

As it's just Chase and I this last week down south (before Kaely returns to school next week) I think I have to make it to the beach a couple more times- I've been slacking. I love the water, the wind, the views- it's just lathering on sunblock that I hate. The smell, the stickiness, the reapplying with sand on- horrible excuses, but it is what it is... but past time to stop taking things for granted- and having the beach a short walk away is definitely one of those things that don't happen all the time.

Great summer days :)

1 comment:

  1. So jealous! Please enjoy for me too! My feet breed a beach exfoliation desperately! I cannot wait to take Ollie to the beach. Thanks for the photos. I grew up on that sand, it was so easy to shut my eyes and remember the smell, sounds, sights, burning hot sun.... Sun block annoys me too. But so so so important!! Trust me, I've had so much removed from my skin thanks to being raised in S. Fla its not even right!
