Chase's Journey

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Weaning for Wusses...

As Chase's 1st Birthday had been approaching, I've been preparing myself- and him- to start the weaning process. I wanted to last at least until his 1st birthday- and it seems that was a piece of cake. He loves food- and eats almost anything you offer him. I was excited to introduce cow's milk as a way to start getting my body back for myself! (sorry kid).

However, now that he can have it, he won't touch the cow's milk. No, I haven't stopped nursing him, but offer him the milk during snack/meal time- and he takes a sip or two, makes a face, and throws the sippy cup. I've tried it cold, tried it hot, tried it in a bottle, sippy cup, and even a regular cup taking sips myself before offering it to him. Sigh... I started thinking maybe I'd try the soy milk like I did with Kaely, since it's a bit sweeter than cow's milk- I think they relate to it as closer to breastmilk? I don't know. But then standing there looking at the fat contents, soy milk just doesn't have enough fat (in my opinion) to stand up to replacing cow/breastmilk. Although I may have to do some more research and ask the doctor about this.

I'm at a loss here. Kaely nursed for just shy of the full first year, but seemed to be content stopping on her own. Then again, she was just completely different developmentally than Chase all around. So this is new territory for me.

What I'm reading (online research) is everything from trying to sneak it in (hahaha- Chase sniffs and throws with this approach), leave it to the last resort (he'd rather have water), or leave it to milk products like yogurt, cheese, etc.- which works, but... how will this help me wean him??

Then, of course I find the articles about "why do you have to wean at a few weeks/months/a year?" as seen off Breastfeeding Basics website ( Well, crap... I want to because honestly, I keep losing weight and can't seem to keep up with eating enough to counteract it. Plus, it'd be nice to act like a young 30-something rather than relating to the "This is 40" movie- seriously, I'd be happy going to bed at 9 pm every night, reading a book and sipping on tea. But I want to cut loose and go out with my husband sometimes too! Plus, the waking up 1-3 times a night STILL is killing me!

So, I have been slowly cutting out feedings. He eats about 4 times a day now (first morning, afternoon, before bed, and usually squeezes in another during the day or middle of the night). I've been better about refusing to feed him in the middle of the night- well, depending on the hour. For instance, he woke up at midnight last night, so I just held him for a minute to calm him, then put him back down... but then he was up again at 3am... BLAH. I guess this may be a longer process than expected. I spent a good month teaching him to nurse before ever going home, I suppose it's only right to expect to take at least a month or so to teach him NOT to eat.

All suggestions are welcome!!! Again, new territory here- my little monster ;)


  1. Ah, the joys! Mason also weaned himself (at like 10.5 months, to my surprise!) but he didnt love switching from formula to milk. I also tried warming, doing half formula and half milk, etc etc etc. Anyway, my doctors suggestion at that time was "when he gets thirsty enough, he'll drink"... she recommended just going to sippy/milk cold-turkey and enduring a few possibly bumpy days. If a gradual approach (like, warming, mixing it half and half, trying to find a sippy that is similar to a bottle shape, etc etc) isnt getting you anywhere, I second her advice of biting the bullet - and it'll be over soon :)
    Also, if you wanted to go the soy route, I wouldnt overthink it. Lincoln went from Alimentum formula to Rice Milk and eventually to reg milk... for kids with true allergies, you just do what you have to (soy, rice, etc) -- as long as they're eating their fruits/veggies - and as you said, he'll be getting yogurt/cheese too, there is no reason to stress about the fat content.
    Good luck!!! :) Happy New Year!

  2. Okay- you convinced me! Went out and got the Almond milk- and yep- he LOVES it! SWEET! Maybe not a permanent solution- but definitely something to add to our menu as we transition over. Awesome- thanks Jordyn!

  3. Ooooh I'm close to our one year and want my boobies BACK! I read to slowly back off one feeding at a time until I am down to the one at night before bed. If you just stop him cold turkey it may really upset him. I am going to start with the morning nursing and just go straight to breakfast, then the 10am and 3am I will try milk, and then work to switch him from me to milk completely by 14 months.
