Chase's Journey

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's Official!

This describes a few things this week...

Dave is officially back here at "home" now! Most definitely not gloating, just humbled and excited and grateful... I feel like a million pounds has been lifted off my shoulders... and so far? not negative adjusting pains- all quite enjoyable to have him here again... didn't realize how much I missed him here until I have him again :)

Also "official"- Chase is outta here! I have officially kicked him out of my room- and into his own room. I cringe at how the evening is going to go, sharing the room with his cousin, and the middle of the night awakenings... but... I need sleep! and to feel like a grown-up again... and he needs to be on his own a bit more- I will admit to spoiling the heck out of him.

(Kaely's self-portrait yesterday with Chase... goob)

Another official- Baby Girl Braelynn was born yesterday afternoon- a healthy, beautiful 7 lbs 1 oz (I think), 20"...and gorgeous! Congrats Aunt Heather & Uncle Wade!!!

The other "official" news- is that many years later from my original goals/dreams- I am going to be a "Gator!" I start in January, got my official acceptance yesterday/today... and man, I have to get used to juggling the schoolwork again with the baby stuff- but I'm stoked! No, none of this was my original plan- but I don't think I've ever had an "original plan" come to fruition. It's all good though- most of the unexpected or alternate plans tend to be far better than the original anyway :)

So... on that note, I will get back to trying to get the house cleaned, bake my pumpkin bread, and get ready to get Kaely from school (it's early day!)... I love October! I'll part with the inevitable bathtub pics... you know they had to share one sometime- just for fun, and to fight over the duck :)


  1. Lots of congrats in order! Congrats he is home again (YAY!!!), congrats on getting him out of your room (yay for sleep!! it will be hard at first, but SO WORTH IT!), and yay for school! And yay for a new baby :) Blessings all around!

  2. EPIC!! I'm emailing you in the morning!! I'm so excited for you all around! Congratulations on everything!!!!!
