Chase's Journey

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Camping Fiascos

JessikaKazaros's Camping Easter Weekend 2013 album on Photobucket

Ah- Easter weekend camping. Originally I had not realized it'd be Easter weekend when I booked the spot, only that it was during Kae's spring break, and hey! It was available. We headed to Blue Springs State Park, and let the adventure begin.

Since Dave's work schedule was pushing out timeline a bit, we opted to take two cars, so I headed off in advance with hopes to get it all ready before he got off work. The weekend started off pretty smooth considering... the kids were laughing, I got the tent put up without much problem, and even had dinner ready by 5 or 6.

But then things like pre-teen (okay, 7 should not count in that age bracket, but still) attitudes, Chase being confined since he doesn't walk- so I didn't want him crawling in the dirt, having to keep the dogs on lockdown, etc... well, it quickly became a lot of effort!

Even after we survived dinner, started up with the marshmallows, and somehow, Kaely manages to burn herself with the roasting prongs- REALLY??? So big drama there... then bedtime and Chase's lightning bug scenario- which really had us stumped. Hoped to catch the March Madness game (UF) that evening, but no internet available (we're so spoiled) and we were all passed out by 9 anyway.

So we woke up to start a fire and get the water boiling for coffee, when I realized although I had put away all our food in the truck and locked it up, I left the Rubbermaid container of dog food on the picnic table- sealed and about a 18" x 6" container (at least) full of dry food. I couldn't find it the next morning- went nuts trying to go through the tent and truck thinking I must've just forgotten I had put it somewhere. Then though, maybe some jerk came by to mess with us... when eventually, Dave saw it back in the woods a good 20+ ft. from the table it had been on. The lid had been removed in the woods, and the container and measuring cup still intact. What on earth??? I realized after irritation led to concern, it had to have either been a really strong raccoon, or a really quiet bear. Oh crap.

After going to the store to get the dogs food, we were extra careful to put everything away. Although I got hardly any sleep as every sound made me think a bear was going to come knock our tent in. I was a little paranoid.

Then, at Blue Springs, you typically look forward to the water events- but because of the roller coaster in weather, the manatees were all hanging out at the springs, so there was no swimming allowed. Talk about drama and tears over this. Luckily, today (Sunday), Kae and Dave were able to swim in a sectioned off part of the springs since the weather had warmed.

Speaking of weather- did I mention we started off with 2-3 air mattresses- enough for everyone to have their own space- and ended up squeezing all 4 of us (and the dogs at the foot if you include that) onto the mattress... only to have a hole in there somewhere for the next day. That first night the temperatures dropped into the low 40's... I can't remember the last time I've been that cold. Even the little space heater I remembered I bought wasn't enough to warm us all. It was freezing!!!

Ah- and then there's the trains that run adjacent to the park. I saw the memo about that recently- but didn't realize that included all through the night too. Oh my... it was crazy!!!

Anyway- I do love the park, and the Springs... but have decided that the next trip must meet the following:

  • No dogs with us- or at least another group with us that can take turns hanging at the campsite
  • Chase MUST be walking. He cannot be contained that long, but I can't have him in the dirt like that
  • Kaely MUST lose the attitude. I am NOT prepared for this crap at this age. I expect it around 12-13 maybe, not now. 
  • Temperatures need to be stable- free from freezing nights and rain!
Ummm... yeah. So ultimately, looking for a vacation from our vacation now :) LOL. At least I can hope the kids had some fun!

Our Child is a Lightning Bug: A Prelude

Yep, that's right, a freaking lightning bug. Think the movie "Powder" from waaaay back in the day. This is a prelude to our actual camping story, because it's just that strange...

So, Friday  night, Kaely, Chase & I are in the tent, trying to get Chase to sleep. He was so exhausted, but insisted on crawling from mattress to mattress, petting the dogs, etc. I figured- eh, whatever- let him wear himself out. Kaely was on her side trying to go to sleep, when I noticed something strange. Seriously- when Chase was crawling, it looked like he had those "Twinkle Toes" shoes on- or a freakin' lightning bug in his pants. I thought something was wrong with my eyes. I had him in his blanket sleeper-thing, so I thought- well, crap- maybe it had to do with that thing. Seriously- I thought maybe Kaely's gel-crayons or something must be glow-in-the-dark. Nope.

So the more he moves around, the more I realize it's not his pants/outfit, and it's not just my eyes...The lights kept twinkling/flashing, not just in his pj pants, but his hands, his feet, etc. I am stunned- and keep nervously laughing about it- at which point Kaely is freaked out and asks me to stop talking about it or she's plugging her ears...

She eventually came over by me and saw it happen too. Chase is laughing the whole time. Dave's outside hanging by the fire, so we wait until he comes in. He thinks we've lost it- until he sees it too. Sure, maybe a lightning bug got caught in his pants (uh huh), but not from his bare hands and feet. This went on for probably an hour until I finally insisted we all fall asleep. I only wish I had gotten video- it was the most bizarre thing ever! I can only assume it was static electricity from him crawling on the tent floor and blankets- but seriously? NUTS!


Thursday, March 28, 2013


90's Grunge style?


Before Chase was ever born we were told about Dave's tendency as a baby/toddler to bang his head against the bed/walls... I just snickered and shook my head and didn't think much about it after the smart remarks...

Then Chase enters. He's been doing this crap for months now- and I can't, for the life of me, figure out why??? The only conclusion I can draw is the simple "ATTENTION!" factor. No lie, the more I read about random things, the more I feel like I'm starving this child of attention- but just about anyone around us feels the opposite- that I spoil the kid rotten. Well???

So I'm guessing it's an issue of undivided attention he desires?

I sit in my infamous chair at the kitchen bar/island area where my laptop permanently resides. This means Chase will go to one of two places- either to the one end of the kitchen, to the wall where a photo of baby shower pictures lives- and will sit below the photos and (full body motion) bang the back of his head against the wall. I'm just waiting for the stinkin' pictures to come crashing down. That, or of course he comes to the chair/stool that I'm on- and either stands there grabbing at my feet (I usually have them tucked under me), or he'll sit there banging his head against the legs of the chair. WTF?

Or, I'm cooking in the kitchen, so he'll alternate between making sure the pantry door is shut, trying to peek in the cabinets (childproof latch-challenge), or again, will sit against those cabinets- staring up at me, and start banging his head.


Or... in the shower- he'll play in the bathroom and I'll toss water at the (glass door), so then he went for banging the front of his head yesterday- standing there laughing while doing it.

I don't get it! Crazy boy.

Then, reading in my textbook the other day, about relationships and attachment styles. Children (around 1 yr) were tested in being left in a room with the mom, with a stranger and mom, and then alone with the stranger... they observed the responses regarding separation anxiety. This is why in the beginning they recommend always responding to an infant's needs, to help build their security. Anyway- reading it, it makes Chase seem like I have been insensitive and non-responsive to his needs- falling into the "insecurely attached" infant description of "showing less tendency to leave mom's side to explore and becomes severely distressed when (mom) leaves, often crying loudly... UGH! The "securely attached" babies use mom as a safe base for happily exploring the new environment and playing with toys, and when separated from mom, they appear to feel safe, expressed only moderate distress over mom's absence, and seemed confident that mom would return to provide care and protection. I dunno- he's usually okay once I'm gone- but geez!!!!

So... I guess, yes, I am neglectful and starve him of attention. Crap.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Going Solo

Oh please- this is nothing as serious as it seems it may start off to be... but honestly? I have just remembered why I was so disillusioned after having Kaely, thinking this whole "having a kid" thing isn't so hard.

Dave went out of town yesterday just for the evening for work, and Kaely is camping this weekend with her dad and grandparents. After stressing all morning about an exam for school, Chase woke up from his nap, and it was just us. No running to get Kaely from school, no worrying about making dinner (ok, I was planning on leftovers, but our wonderful neighbors brought over a plate for dinner for us), not worrying about being the homework police at the same time as chasing after Chase... the list goes on.

Honestly- it sounds horrible- but it was awesome! Just for the evening- don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change my family for anything, I LOVE being a mom and a wife, and Kaely and Dave have both saved my life a million times over in their own individual ways. But- I really did realize how much easier it was when it was "just me" and one baby. Chase wasn't as cranky trying to capture my attention, I actually got to the point I got to watch a movie, have a glass of wine, read part of my book for FUN, and watch "my show" last night- and even stayed up past 11pm- WHAT??? 

Sigh... I think it just goes into play about caregiver burnout, and as rewarding as it is to be able to be home and take care of everyone- a one-day "Mommy-cation" is not a bad idea. I highly recommend it :) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I knew these days were coming, but it's fun to watch nevertheless...

Kaely plays on our bed, and decides to be "funny" and slide down head first to get off the bed. Chase follows suit a minute later (yes, I was there to catch him). Kaely grabs a hairbrush and sits down to brush her hair, Chase books it over to the drawer in the bathroom where my brushes and hair tools are. We answer the cell to chat with Dad, Chase grabs his toy phones, the remote controls, or my phone and subsequently answers "Hello" (imagine the voice of Astro from the Jetsons). Kaely eats an apple whole (without cutting into slices), so as soon as she leaves it sitting there, he snatches it and proceeds to tear into it.

I can only imagine what other behaviors we're going to witness- more often than not it's a reminder to censor our words and actions. What's cute in a toddler is often horrible in a 3-4 year old. Time is flying too fast!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chase's Breastaurant

That's right. For the past 1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days, my days have revolved around feeding this kid. So, for the past month or two I've been working on cutting him off- moving towards exclusively feeding him 'people' (ha!) food and attempting cows milk. If you've noticed through the infrequent postings and content of the ones I have posted, he's been more than cranky and discontent lately. I keep wondering what's wrong with him, is he sick, etc. It's so stressful.

Well, this weekend I had a certification class in Lactation Education. I plan on specializing in the mother-baby field with my degree in Health Education & Behavior, and so I thought this to be an essential component to the goal. I have been absolutely blown away by how much I did not know. Even as a second time mom, breastfeeding with both, even with the NICU fiascos, and even with what I've seen in my time in nursing school- I knew such a limited amount- even for my own experiences.

Anyhow- point is- towards the end of class, we reached the topic of "Weaning"- which of course I perked up to see what all I could learn in this. What I didn't expect to see was this slide that stated:

Weaning Distress in Child

  • Increased fear of separation
  • Increased whining, clinging, and crying
  • Increased night waking
  • Biting
  • A new attachment to an object
  • Withdrawal
Well... crap. I've been attributing these "issues" to everything from teething, illness, or just being downright spoiled- as I'm reminded by everyone that he needs me to spend less time with him so he's not so 'spoiled.'

But you know what? He's been a high-needs child since day 1 (and before), and my attempting to cut off his feedings- combined with the volunteer work that means leaving him for a few hours once a week, plus I've taken Kaely's field trip, had classes, and so on. So going from being with him 24/7, feeding him 3-6 times a day- to... this? Yeah... he might be on the little distressed side. This is crazy! 

So, I have reconsidered the urgency of doing this- and haven't decided a good reason to aside from feeling awkward about other people's judgments- but I think I have a big *&*#@ it attitude about all that anymore anyway. We'll see how it goes- day by day is all I ask. 

It has inspired me to start a new page- which, in good humor will be titled "Chase's Breastaurant"- where I will post a bunch of the facts, tips, and overall good smiles about breastfeeding- a neutral, nonjudgmental zone that I hope can help at least one mom and baby :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Boys and Illness

Ah... it's heartbreaking to see your little one feeling under the weather. Fortunately, most of Chase's 14+ months have been free of any type of cold, flu, illness- with the exception of his surgery and teething issues. However, when the big kid (aka, Dad) got sick last week, the feeling of how many needy children living in the house seemed to jump by a few heads. Somehow I went from enjoying at least 6 hours of sleep a night, and getting in study time or reading time- to being lucky if I can sleep in 2 hour stretches and get anything done at all.

I could write a novel on men and being big babies when they are sick- but... I'll refrain for today.

But the little man? Cousin Nathan apparently ended up with a fever early this week- we hadn't seen him since last Friday, so I didn't think much of it. Then Wednesday I noticed Chase was burning up and just being clingy and needy- so, armed with Tylenol and dropping everything to try to comfort him, the battle began. I was so worried (this is really the first time he's run a fever other than immediately following a vaccination), so I kept checking his temperature- eventually waking him up- big mistake- and therefore he spent the night in our bed. Tossing and turning and insisting on sleeping on me- which made me sleep on my back (I hate sleeping on my back)- he sleeps in the weirdest positions- insisting on laying in the nook of my neck (essentially crushing my throat, making it difficult to breathe), or when I decided to flip over anyway, he laid face down in my hair, until I finally decided that wasn't going to work. He wasn't satisfied with just knowing I was there- it was like every part of him had to be touching me to reassure him that I was there. Sigh...

So two nights in a row of no sleep, adding in a bad cough last night to make me worry, and then I had fasting blood work this morning (when my blood sugar drops, I get mean and cranky)... just no fun! But.... fortunately, after a 3 hour nap this morning, he's been looking much better, and fingers are crossed we're over this hump. This is why daycare terrifies me- the illnesses spread like wildfire, and between worry and lack of sleep- the toll takes the whole family off track.

Happy St. Patty's weekend! Here's to EVERYONE feeling better :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Things That Boggle My Mind

This is going to be an ever-growing list I fear... but the main thing that initiated my rant, is school.

Here's the deal- I'm trying to plan ahead, and budget tuition, books, etc. for the rest of the semesters before I graduate, and am trying to wrap my head around the concept of internships. Not only are you not paid for internships, and you have to coordinate childcare for a full-time schedule with zero income, but you also have to pay the school for the credit hours that an internship is. To top it off, they consider an internship 15 credit hours- equivalent to approximately $3430 in tuition alone- that's based on this school year, not even next. Seriously? UGH. I keep wondering- soooooo... who gets the money for it then? Is it the place I intern at that gets free work done, and the school just sits back and checks in once a month?

Higher education at it's finest.

Don't get me wrong- I am ALL for education, I LOVE school (most days), and pretty much plan on always pursuing additional learning opportunities on some level. But... sheesh! It's such a business, and it's a wonder half of America is broke. I mean- once you finally get your degree, hold your breath and pray for a job, then you get to pay back all those loans to cover trying to live as you fork over any pennies you can find to go work for free somewhere. Go figure.

Okay, I'm done for the moment- there are plenty of other things that boggle my mind, but I'll leave it for another day :)

Things that make me laugh though? Kaely's friend came over yesterday to play for a bit... as he was getting ready to leave he was talking about how his mom gets mad sometimes- and he leans in close to whisper conspiratorially, "she got so mad at (his older sister), that she even said the "F" word (insert the gasp), and then she threw a chair!" - buwahahha! I had to appreciate this- especially because the pressure to be the 'perfect' (ha!) mom is overwhelming at times- good to know there are other 'full of character' moms out there too :) LOVE IT!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What Makes Having a School-Aged Child Worthwhile

Aside from the sheer joy of having them of course... the good field trips! I mean, this is the third year of field trips, and suffering through some of the lame ones (sorry), this one to Disney's Animal Kingdom made it all worthwhile. Best yet, being a chaperone would've been cool- but turns out more than half the class' parents volunteered, so at the end of the day I didn't even have any kids to watch except Kaely. SWEET! It was a nice change to be able to hang with her one-on-one (well, minus all the other kids around), and just have fun :)

Some pics from the day!

The Tree of Life- you can stand there for hours and keep finding new animals hidden in the carvings on the tree

This was how she spent more than half of the ride in the Dinoland ride. CHICKEN

Mt. Everest- coolest ride ever~!

Bali! and the pedicabs :) 

Kaely's favorite animal is a giraffe- and these ones decided to block the road for a good 5 minutes before the staff had another truck come by to get them to move- very awesome

The camera's battery died so I was stuck using my phone whose camera sucks :( But the animals were awesome... 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Daily Dreaming

On a completely off the topic kind of post today, a little email showed up in my inbox about this contest to Rioja, Spain. What can I say? A dreamer at heart, the past year or two of Chase-related chaos has pushed the dreamer to the more pragmatic, practical side, and been in hiding. So what if the responsibilities of being a parent, spouse, student, and so on needs to take priority? I must say the need to daydream has to be a priority too. How easy is it to fall into the mundane, routine, and well? Boring.

So... I share with you my lofty dream list of what we could do if we won a trip to Spain...

For one, I'd love to take another stab at a romantic honeymoon (sorry babe, but we both know it's true!). Work is important, but sometimes, you just gotta seize the moment and live for today! We've talked about the trips to play in the wineries and explore food. I would LOVE to take cooking classes in another country- I can almost taste the artichokes, lamb stew and pears... YUM.If I had no responsibilities for a few days, I think I'd explore my bucket list- including things like paragliding, bungee jumping or riding in a hot air balloon. Or...explore the countryside on horseback, go hiking, or canoeing in the mountains.

I also had to laugh at the imagery of engaging in a "Wine War"- where you soak opponents with wine. This is soooo much better than wrestling in jello! It's an event held annually called  “La Batalla del Vino." 
The article about the destination of Rioja, Spain found here!

Can you believe how many wines originate from the Rioja region? I only discovered the wine about 8 years ago- always been a favorite- but holy cow! Here is a list that goes on for days and the reviews to accompany them. WINE

If only in a dream... 

Or.... we have the possibility of a trip to Monterey County  California full of wine tastings, fine dining, and exploring wine country here in our own backyard. How often do I walk up and down the wine aisles, only to select a wine from Monterey? Delicious! Again, I never imagined there were so many varieties out there though, Robert Mondavi and La Crema being a couple of my favorite wineries. The full list is here.

I feel like I've only lived through those reality tv shows, like The Bachelor, when they always seem to take the 'dream dates' to wine country, complete with private tastings and a picnic. Man, wouldn't that be awesome? I would love to just relax- inch by inch- listen to jazz, walk along the fields, and remember that I was once just a woman with a lot of artistic desires... before reality hit. :)

Then, there's Austria. Sigh... If I knew how complicated life would be, when I had the chance 9 years ago when I flew to Germany, I would've taken the time to explore more. Gone to Austria, Amsterdam, Italy, France, and so on... Hindsight? When I was over in Europe, I felt like I was "home." The culture, the sights, the smells, the richness of everything there... it was amazing, overwhelming, and opened my eyes to a lot of what I want for myself and my children. For instance- cooking, eating for the sheer joy of it- not just necessity- trying to have meals together, walk more, explore our roots and foundations... So much to be learned. Danube, Austria is just one of many places there that have just that. Swing over to Vienna, and let me tell you- I know that between coffee, wine, bread, and cheese- I may just have found heaven. Exploring the mountains and waterways- enjoying the journey as much as the destination... it's beyond amazing. The wines we don't get to try too much here, but when I used to enjoy the sweet, white wines, the Ice Wines and Reislings... couldn't go wrong with one from here. The Austrian wine list goes on and on!

The last afternoon dream I got to squeeze in was to South Africa... full of Shiraz, Cabernet, and Merlots- which seem to find their way into our home more often than not. This trip is to Stellenbosch, South Africa and holy cow- the thought of spending my days having wine-paired meals while taking in the vast landscapes?? It's not too far from Cape Town and the coast- which is something to be seen outside of the movies. We would have to bring our hiking boots, because to explore on foot has got to be the way to go. There is something to be said about escaping the bustle of big cities full of tourist attractions, and just taking in the laid back atmosphere of nature and those embracing it. The review list of South African wines can be found here.

I know the chances are slim- but if you don't have your dreams, you aren't truly living- and if for nothing else- our kids need to know that anything is possible! Savor every moment, and do things for the love of it.

Check out the contests at: Wine Enthusiast Magazine Contest

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Belated 1 Year Checkup

Definitely a couple months belated- but... our little peanut measures in at 20 lbs 6 oz (20th percentile for weight), and 29" (4th percentile for height)- and although he's on the smaller side- he's at 50th percentile for the height & weight combo- meaning he's perfectly proportioned at least :)

I had to ask about his wonderful temperament (buwahahaha!), which he was displaying ever-so-kindly to our long-time doc by screaming in her ears and requesting to be pinned down to get a look in his ears... but, as luck has it- it's just "him." Oh well, two more immunizations later- and we were off.

We celebrated Nathan's first birthday this past Saturday as well, and I think the most entertaining factor was watching the two of them fight over all the new toys- ridiculous. But... boys will be boys...

Technically I'm on 'Spring Break' this week- although between doctors appointments, work at the hospital, Kaely's field trip, etc- well, we have a full schedule! Working on bringing the fun back into the house again :) We're getting there!

Wow. March already! Happy Monday :)