Chase's Journey

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I believe I am officially resigning to the fact that Chase's first word is "Dada." All he has said this past week is variations of Dad, and when Dave tries to get him to say "mama" - he just shakes his head, smiles, and says "dada" - UGH! haha... oh well... he has been talking quite a bit lately- the words are bound to tumble out.

We've also been able to see his top teeth about to break through the gums. It's in a different place than I expected- on the front of the gum rather than the ridge (not sure what I was thinking), so when I saw the white come through, it took me a minute to realize those are teeth! I can even see the sharp points of them, it just hasn't cut the skin yet. Poor kid.

Food has been fun lately- he wants everything- and me being so busy has made it a bit tough, but glad he's enjoying it. We've spent the past week moving furniture around as we make some changes with the place down South, so this Friday/Saturday has been nothing but driving, packing, moving, unpacking, cleaning, organizing, etc. Hence why no posts all week... I desperately need a hot bath to work on all these bumps, bruises, and torn up muscles :) lol

Fortunately Chase has been taking everything in stride, and been quite the character through it all, so he saves us from wanting to scream half the time, all by looking up with his mischievous grin. I absolutely adore it!

Happy Sunday!