Chase's Journey

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Simmering September

First, I can't believe it's September already, much less 5 days into it. Whoops... It's hot, humid, and crazy as always! Labor Day has come and gone, we laid low, turned on the grill, and that was about it. No crazy beach or park outings, it's just too darn hot! I am seriously counting down for cooler weather- my energy returns, and enthusiasm to boot. I have GOT to start working on these Halloween costumes, but it's hard to imagine Halloween when it's mid-90's currently. Thinking a monkey costume for Chase is a given ;)

As uneventful as the past few days have been- we still have some humorous moments- including:

Shaving the dog- okay, this looks sowrong in so many ways, but not having her long hair floating around the house- and the end of summer to survive...

Then there is Chase who decided he doesn't feel like sitting up now- and rebels against the Boppy pillow my sister set beside him to try to help keep him propped up. He simply "shrimped" his way out of it. LOL.

AH- then the crazy  boys attacking. Nathan is so "hands on" - and Chase just sits and observes him- until he comes flying at him trying to touch, whack, lick, whatever... lol. The two of them are clowns, I swear.

Lastly- the Nathan video- this kid gives Mick Jagger a run for his money on weirdo tongues... I thought it was strange when he was a newborn, but now? hahaha... very alien-like...

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