Chase's Journey

Thursday, January 19, 2012


You often read literature about events, and how people may feel or behave- but often you rarely believe them. When I read that some people may feel depressed or sad about leaving the NICU, I thought they were nuts. We've worked so hard for this day to arrive, how could you possibly be anything but elated? But now I know...

Spending the past day or so telling every stranger, receptionist, nurse, lactation consultant, security guard, etc. that I've come to meet over the past 3 weeks about Chase's progress and that we are supposed to be going home Friday, I realize that it also means saying "see ya later" to all the wonderful people who have been absolute God-sends to us through this terrifying experience. Even last night, it was such a jubilant atmosphere with our evening crew, celebrating all the victories we've accomplished this week alone, being able to laugh and share stories was such a stark contrast to the tension, stress & worry from even a week ago. Seeing the excitement they shared with us made me realize how much more than "just a job" this is for them. They've become invaluable parts of our own little family here. So today while I'm ecstatic about leaving, I am truly going to miss it here. Words will never be able to express our gratitude and affection...

As far as updates on our little man... he continues to gain weight- we're still a little off on our numbers depending on when he's being weighed now (based on before/after he eats), but he's a little over 4lbs 13oz... He's gotten all his blood-work, immunizations, etc ready for discharge- just watching his brady/apnea activity. A chance we may go home tomorrow with a monitor- but quite frankly, I'd rather be safe if that's what they think is best. The little stinker has figured out the benefits of going "ad lib" - habits which I need to quickly curb & retrain- haha. He had me up every 2 hours last night- I realize a lot of that may have just been him wanting to be cuddled rather than eat- so I'll see what happens tonight if I can push off some feedings... talk about feeling like a zombie today! And of course he's sleeping peacefully now that the sun is up. Grrrr... :)

Hard to believe the difference a week makes, and I only have confidence his progress will continue on, continuing to amaze us all...

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