Chase's Journey

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Curse of the Growth Spurt- or Teeth?

Sigh... Past couple of days have been the following routine:

Wake up- smile-2 min
Fuss... eat... sleep
Wake up- smile 2 min
Fuss... eat... sleep
Wake up-smile 2 min

...You get the picture... no desire to play- especially on the ground... any solid food I get in him, which hasn't been much, ends up being beautifully colored spit up shortly after. The whole day consists of him sleeping, eating & fussing, with a few moments of happy-baby in between. So frustrating! I guess I had been getting spoiled since these types of days were becoming so much more infrequent lately- and we were having so much fun playing all weekend, that I didn't see this coming. Blah... oh well- he's a growing boy and sleep is needed. When he is awake, he drools everywhere and gnaws on his fingers and burp cloth or monkey- whatever he can get. If it is teeth, I'm sure we have another month or two at least before they break through, so yippee... hopefully he'll be back to himself by tomorrow- at least today being overcast and storms rolling in I can appreciate the napping :)

Just another part of babyhood!

1 comment:

  1. I know those days are ahead. He's fussy too lately but not unbearable or for long. I just know our day is neigh
