Chase's Journey

Friday, June 15, 2012

Groundhog Day

Ahhhh- the classic early 90's movie where the day keeps repeating itself again and again until he gets it right... Yep- that's us right now. Wake up by 7am, blindly make a cup of coffee, eventually Chase and Kaely wake up- feed both of them, Chase plays for a short time, then takes a morning nap. Meanwhile Kaely is playing and trying to drive me batty...Clean house- sweeping the tile because I still haven't brought down a vacuum cleaner, run a load of dishes, laundry, etc... Chase wakes up screaming like someone is torturing him, I feed him again, Kaely gets ready, does something like gouges all the nail polish off her toes that I spent 20 minutes doing, then we prepare to leave the house. Slather on sunblock, change diapers, and take the trash with us out the door. Walk the 1/2 mile to the park where Kaely can hopefully find some kids to play with so I'm not totally ruining her summer. Push the stroller a bit until Chase falls back to sleep. Let her play until it's clearly time for lunch and more diaper changes... sigh... Head to the convenience store or grocery store for whatever item may complete dinner later, then go back to the apartment. Feed the screaming Chase, a hungry Kae, then eventually myself. Naptime and quiet-time until I'm convinced to go to the pool, outside, or play on the Wii... Chase will wake up again screaming, so I put him back down to keep sleeping- having to comfort him until he passes back out. I start on dinner and any other chores that need doing. We eat, get showered/bathed, and hope Dave gets home at a decent time... then it's a bit of tv, bedtime story, and everyone else is passed out around me...


More or less the same exact day for the past 5 days. Lots of good, but lots of frustration in between. Not knowing why Chase has been screaming bloody murder is driving me insane. I stopped solids for a few days, and even then have only been giving him tastings. Tried Tylenol in case it's teething- no real difference with that either... I'm kinda stumped, but it's a horrible sound- not just a fussing baby, but one screaming from his gut. At least at the house no one else really hears it, here we've got neighbors to the right, left, up, down, etc... Poor baby.

Oh well, here are a few pics from the past couple days

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