Chase's Journey

Monday, June 4, 2012

Our New Playroom

Inspired by a relative's "playroom" - I started tossing around ideas last week about turning our "dining/living" room into a playroom. Honestly, we never use it, unless we have a party or something and need the extra space- or during Christmas since we usually put the tree in there. I remembered I had some mats in the garage- my aunt has her invention/creation Academics Through Music- which teaches children things like math, conversions, etc through songs. How easy is it for children to remember lyrics to songs? So she has songs that include math tables and such. Anyhow- we have the "math mat" - so I thought, hey, it's just sitting around- that would be great for Chase & Nathan to play on. Not too hard, but also not the lovely carpet that the dogs share with him.

Next thing I know, I'm moving everything around this morning. Even invading Kaely's room, and giving her some more space by taking out her chairs and moving the children's books into the playroom as well. So now she has a little reading nook, which we can use with Chase as well. I'm kind of excited about it all to be honest- nothing like a bit of change to feel refreshed. The family room looks so bare now without all the toys and gear in it :) I'm also inclined to like this idea so the babies are away from the tv- since it's not the best thing in the world for them to be around, but I like to watch the news (not sure why to be honest) and some other shows here and there. I say it's nice to actually "live in" parts of the house so often a wasted space :)

The family room yesterday- lol

Now the living room- converted:

1 comment:

  1. Well done!! I'm sooooo jealous! It looks roomy and inviting we need a playroom too!
