Chase's Journey

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


A week ago we were discussing the fact that the pediatrician recommended introducing infant cereal to Chase around 3 1/2 months, but I felt that he just wasn't ready for it. This was before the past couple days. The child is crazy! He has been an eating & sleeping monster. We have all sorts of different "monsters" now for him (another post to come I'm sure)- but the past couple days- a milk monster is definitely one of them. Last night he went through his crazy moody time around 6-8... I fed him, and he was fine- until I took him off... then we went nuts again. So my sister suggested that maybe he really was still hungry- I didn't think this was possible, but okay... sure enough... then took him off the other side, and he went nuts again. So I had a small bottle in the fridge- went ahead and warmed that up- the kid ate that too! Seriously had to be anywhere from 8-14 oz at once. He finally was happy, but wouldn't sleep! He was in the funniest milk stupor I've seen yet- completely "dazed and confused," eyes all baggy and a lopsided grin glued to his face, he wouldn't stop staring at me- I was cracking up.... finally- by about 10:15pm he fell asleep. He usually passes out by 8pm. Geez! Then he slept until 5am... What a night!

So today he started that pattern again- I'm producing soooo much milk, but he's completely "clearing his plate" if you will- so I decided, what the heck. I went ahead and prepared a little bit of the rice cereal with milk to give it a shot... not too bad! Finished off with a bath, and he is passed out by 8pm again. Nice! :) This growing stuff is hard work! 6 inches and about 8 lbs in 3 1/2 months??? Awesome!

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