Chase's Journey

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Food Wars

So last week I was frustrated at the turn of events that had Chase going from eating a ton of solids, to refusing to eat them. I cannot keep up with this boy's constant changes! ha. So my idea had been to thicken up his fruits & veggies with the rice cereal, to help fill him up, in hopes that maybe I could get some sleep at night. All day I had tried feeding him his favorite, mango/banana, but he turned up his nose, shook his head, and clenched his lips tight. Huh...

All day long I tried to give him the food, and all day he refused. So I went to bed, endured the waking up 2-3 times, and started fresh the next day. So once again I tried to give him his mix of cereal & fruit- same results. So I pulled out the other half of the jar that had no cereal in it- and he gobbled it right up. Ooooohhhh... I get it... so I try to sneak in a bite with the cereal? Negative- refusal at its finest. Then I crack open some green beans- eats those -no prob... try again with the cereal mix? Nadda. Well then- guess I figured out the problem, eh?

I guess for whatever reason- be it the taste, or the texture- I am setting these attempts aside. I've also discovered that his curiousity for whatever I am eating keeps increasing... so if it's on my fork/spoon/fingers- he wants it. Within reason I'm letting him have tastes here and there- peaches (tart when fresh!), cherries, apples, bananas, even a couple pinches of soft bread... he loves it! Not to mention I'm trying to work on his dexterity with things on his tray. The sippy cup of water is still a favorite. He lunges after it, and when he's not attacking it, he tucks it beside him. Dad & I had fun messing with him- taking it out of where it was tucked, putting it back on the tray- watching him squawk and protest, grab it, and tuck it right back where it was. Guess he knows what he wants!

Thing about being home all the time, is that the day seems to revolve around food. What's for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? What should we bake? What is Chase going to eat? It's a full time job to eat and feed others :) But I quite enjoy it most days- and for cheesy grins? Who could ask for more?

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