Chase's Journey

Monday, August 13, 2012

Remember When...

Remember when...

  • You used to wake up every 2-3 hours to eat at night...
    • Wait, you still do... hmmm
  • We would change your diaper as soon as the "wetness indicator" turned blue
    • Ha- we have learned that sleep works just as well, and you are just fine for at least a couple hours (although you are going around this idea by pooping 5 times a time, hmm)
  • Mom wouldn't leave the room without you- even with daddy
    • See! I left you two to bathtime last night to run to the store
  • I could carry you in one hand... all 3-4 lbs of you...
    • I'm lucky if I can carry you with one arm on my hip when you wrap your monkey legs around me
  • It was a challenge to feed you past the feeding tubes, measuring your every gram gained before/after each feeding, cheering you on as you got the hang of eating...
    • All you ever do is it! You're a little wolverine attacking... you can eat in your sleep, eat wide awake, eat while you're playing, etc.
  • You weren't big enough to fit into the baby carrier- for fear of falling out- and you couldn't even see your head over it...
    • Now I question whether or not you outweigh the limits- baby beastling ;)
  • I could type and write on the computer for an hour or more while you napped
    • If you are napping on me, you're too big to reach around to type... and if you're awake, you're trying to contribute your thoughts by banging on the keyboard yourself
  • You weren't big enough to wear even preemie-sized clothes...
    • I'm quickly running out of clothes big enough to squeeze you into - how fast you grew!
  • I would wake to every sigh, gasp, hitch of breath you took
    • Now I'm snoring along with you- you've resorted to kicking your feet and squawking to wake me up
  • We had to use three blankets rolled up to fit you into your carseat
    • You've just about outgrown that carseat, and definitely made it unsuitable for carrying!
  • Your hand would take up only half of my pinkie, and your foot only part of the width of my palm
    • Your hand is as wide as my pinkie, and your foot the length of my palm and then some

  • You were nearly my entire world...
    • I guess some things will never change ;)

1 comment:

  1. Omg. I want to cry. How are we at "remember when" already!! Too fast. It goes way too fast. Thanks for the inspiration for a post. Hard to believe he was so small with those big chunky monkey thighs!
