Chase's Journey

Friday, July 13, 2012

Clothing Confusion!

As if I didn't have enough issues of this myself- between the past decade or more of the way clothes advertise a particular size, but clearly keep changing what that "size" means. Just like with Kaely- whose clothes I desperately need to go through and donate now that I think of it. She's fairly on for the "age" tagging that children's clothes do. But she's on the more petite side, and she quite literally still has size 4 clothes, and I even found a pair of her undies that were a size 2/3T that she had just worn. Crap! The other day she showed up (from her dad's) wearing these shorts that were the right size- but oh hell no- I had to quickly confiscate them, baby daisy dukes, OMG.

So with the process of revamping Chase's room, I discovered a diaper box of clothes I had put aside probably 8 months or so ago, of generally 12 months and up. I realized I needed to box up his 0-6 month sizes, and so I went through the newest discovery. I found an adorable Gap sleeper that is 6-12 month size, so I washed it and pulled it out to put on him tonight. Well, huh... I had to stop mid-way while putting his arms in, and have to stretch out the sleeves and holes... then ended up in the same predicament with the legs. Man! Doesn't look like he'll be wearing it again- unless somehow he sprouts outward length-wise instead of round.

Moral of the story? I highly recommend going through clothes and not missing out on some of those adorable outfits that don't exactly measure up to the typical sizes. I am pretty familiar now with the way Carter's (and all their brands) fits, and now I know Gap runs pretty small. Gerber runs bigger and stretches. Circo (Target) and some of the others tend to be a little on the bigger side- but usually is wider.

When watching Nathan last week, I had to change his outfit, so I dug in his backpack, and all the outfits were 0-3 months. I was stumped, and sure enough- they actually fit him. He's all arms & legs- so all those onesies still fit his body. Chase is pushing the 6 months sizes, and starting to get into the 6-9 months when it comes to onesies and tops.

The forever rotating closets continue on. It's a never-ending cycle of ins and outs, and nearly impossible to stay organized... but hey, at least these kids are adorable! :)

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