Chase's Journey

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Diaper Olympics

Yeah, so the diaper companies have already marketed this issue, but up until now, I haven't had too many worries about it. But... all good things must come to an end. Let me tell you how stinkin' hard it was getting a diaper on baby boy after his bath tonight. Had him on the changing table and all, so not really anywhere he could go, but everytime I tried fastening the tabs in place, he'd pick his butt up and push back, so I'd have to rearrange the diaper again and take another try... a solid 1-2 minutes later (this is actually a really long time considering this should only take a few seconds). ARG! Twisting, scooting, squirming, shooting backwards- I started working up a sweat. Ridiculous! LOL. Then came his pajamas... Oh Lord- that was another couple minutes...

So- the days of the passive, pliable, serene baby changing have become a thing of the past. Oh well- what fun is it without a good challenge, eh? On to the next event... baby jui jitsu...

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! But something tells me I won't be laughing next month when I cannot get the diaper on. Which congrats on the 7 months.
